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Question: Ugh, I need some help with this!.!.!.!?
Okay, I know most of you will say read the book or I'm wasting your time or you don't care then just stop reading now!.

But I really need some help with two things I was assigned for summer school Of Mice and Men homework!.

One is give a simile for chapter one, and two!.
My chapter two similie was "As strong as a bull!."
Now, I just need one for chapter one it has to be anywhere in the book in chapter one and you can use it!.

Then the rest!.!.!.
Best single sentence of description in novel
& That's all PLEASE HELP ME OUT!
I'll give you five stars, answer your questios, and get somebody to give it a thumbs up!.
*And yes I have read chapter one and two we don't go on to chapter three 'till Friday or Monday for you noisy people that don't think I read the book!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
use your brain!. If you read the book, you should be able to answer these simple questions!.
What did you leave the book at school or something!? These are seriously easy, harder to type them than to do the work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, summer school, that's interesting!. Nosy*, I'm REALLY sorry, but I couldn't let this question go unanswered, even though I have not read that specific book!. Sorry!. :) I really hope someone on here knows how to help you!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com