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Question: Which book should I write!?
I love to multitask when it comes to writing, I am currently working on 2 books, but now I have a few ideas for a new book, (my limit for now is 3)!. But I don't know which the public would like to hear more about!?

a!. a teen ghost (girl) who died a few years ago who is looking for the perfect boyfriend!. She haunts her old home and everytime an elderly couple or a family with young children buy it, she scares them using her ghostly hand to interpret rats, spiders, bats, cockroaches, etc!. Then a family moves in with !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. (not saying anything else)

b!. the devil's daughter and an angel (16 y!.o!.) befriend eachother and the angel falls in love with the devils daughter!. !.!.!.!.!.!.!.(not saying anything else)

*about book B, I am a christian, I just had an inspiration while I was swimming and I heard a new song on the radio!.*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
B!. It sounds more "grabbing" if that was a short excerpt on the back of a book, while Book A sounds !.!.!.kind of corny!. Sorry if I offended you but I wouldn't read it!. I would definitely read B and you could probably have lots of fun writing B; you could add twists, change it up a little, etc!. ? And I love how you got the inspiration - it's totally random! :] If you somehow get Book B published or something, I soo want to read it!! And, yesh, multitasking is a feminine trait!.!.?Www@QuestionHome@Com

B!. I'd totally read it!. I've read a book called The Black Tattoo, and it was about Hell, and all the creatures in it, and all that!. So I think I'd defiantly read B!. But, I love vampires most!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, i love idea a, because it sounds like a long hard jorney, but i've gotta say!.!.!. b!.
The tension possible in that book sounds incredible!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both sound AWESOME but i would start with Book B!.!.!. I would totally read something like that!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

B, but sorry to break the bubble, both topics have been reused and recycled!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

B, because the first one looks scary, and I don't like scary books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


OMG B! B! B! i'll be first in line for it lolWww@QuestionHome@Com