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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How come a lot of people refuse to read Twilight?

Question: How come a lot of people refuse to read Twilight!?
Okay, I LOVE the Twilight books, but I can't see why I see online and at school that most people refuse to read it, and the series!.

I heard one girl once say that she refuses to read Twilight because of the ways it makes some girls act, which I don't get at all, it is a romantic, sweet, heartwarming story that teens, boys and girls, should read, it is SO cute!

Why won't people really wanna read it!? I think it is because a lot of people say that the book is too long, but I finished it in three days! Why is this, do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I have a couple of friends who refused to read it because of the way some people acted while reading it!. For example, my friend got another friend of mine Twilight for her birthday!. Then, while out her party, three people sat in a corner and read it aloud to each other instead of spending time with the birthday girl and the rest of the party!. It was rude and the birthday girl felt hurt!. also, the conversations at lunch were dominated by Twilight; they couldn't even talk about anything else for a minute!. People began to act rude, and reading "the best book ever" was no excuse!.
For me, I read the book, because I couldn't judge them or the book without reading it!. So I read it, and I didn't like it!. When people asked if I liked it, I said it was ok and then people insulted me!.
Truthfully, I don't think the book has any literary merit at all; it is not a well written book!. Maybe people don't want to read it because they'd rather read a good novel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, there are many people who think they're too cool to read, and then also, when people ask what's Twilight about, and people tell them it's about vampires and werewolves, it sounds kind of stupid don't you think!? Obviously after you read the book, you can't stop thinking about it and become obsessive, but vampires and werewolves would sound weird and stupid to someone who has no idea how amazing the books really are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those people probably did see what Twilight did to some people!. They become obsessed!. I mean, right here on Yahoo! Answers, you see people screaming about how much they love Twilight series!. They probably dont want to end up like those people, obsessed!. Another possible reason is that some people are not big fans of romance, so they might not want to read it!. The book is too long thing is not really a good excuse!. If you read it, little by little you can finish it!. They're just making bad excuses, sometimes, because they dont want to say why they really dont want to read it!. And some people just hate reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They don't wanna read it because they want to be different than everyone else!. I was the same way with the Harry Potter books!. I refused to read them because everyone else was reading them!. I wanted something different!. I love Twilight also, but some people just won't even give it a chance because of that reason!. I still haven't given the Harry Potter books a chance, and I probably never will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some of my friends refuse to read it, the first friends reason is simply because she can't be bothered and would rather wait for the movie, the second one however, refuses to read it because she think the only reason i like the book is because of Edward Cullen, she doesn't seem to understand that the storyline and the style of writing of the book is also amazing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personaly refuse to read it because it appears to be a dressed up romance novel!. Most people do not like romance novels!. Usually the un educated read those types of books!. Books allow people to step into a fairy tale world and take their mind of things!. Romance novels have no plot they have no point and are pointless to read!. By the sounds of this the twilight books are something made for middle school to highschool girls that still believe their prince will come!. Walk into the real world hunny romance isnt real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the dont wanna get sucked into the "Twilight cult"!. The book is great and I loved it!. To the point of freaking obssession!. Which was bad it made me see love in a different perspective!. I expected different things from it!. I understand when people say they dont wanna start acting all wierd because of it!.!. But it affects girls differently some more strongly then others!. It really affected me and if someone doesnt wanna be all crazy about it!. I understand that!. But all that matters is that you read it and you liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Many people feel that certain movies and books are an insult to their intelligence!. They may feel they are intellectuals and can’t be bothered with something they also feel is too juvenile for them!.

There were many people who felt this way about the Harry Potter series as well!. Authors put a lot of work into their writing, and these books are written to entertain and should be read in that respect!.

Each of us has our own ideals and values when it comes to this type of thing!. For instance, I’ve never read one Harry Potter book, but my wife has read them all and loved them!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because too many people are making a big deal out of it!. They'er obsessing over it, so some people don't want to read it because they think it's over exaggerated!.

When people go "OMG Edward is my LOVER" and stuff like that, nobody really wants to read it anymore!. It starts to sound cheesy and fake!.

Some people simply don't realize that it IS a good book, no matter what some of those airbrains are saying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of my friends didn't want to read it because it sounded too weird, but when they did, they loved it!.
As for the people that just plain refuse!.!.!.I have a theory!. I think they just don't want to be like everyone else!. They see thousands of girls in love with the book, and decide that they want to be different!. Its psycological crap, if you ask me!. But we shouldn't care because they're missing out, not us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they don't want to!? Some people don't want to read about vampires!.
Just because you say it's amazing doesn't mean it is!.

And maybe what she means when she says because of the way it makes girls act is when teenage girls are like; "Edward is soooooo hot!!!" like that's the most important thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some people simply do not like romance fiction, and that is it!. It doesn't necessarily have to do with wanting to be different or whatever!. Many adults wouldn't touch one with a ten-foot pole!. It as much a matter of taste as anything else!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Omg i finished in 3 days too! haha and eclipse in 4!

Ppl wont read it because if they hear some say they dont like it, then automatically their brain is going "Oh, i probly shouldnt read it cuz then i wont be cool"

lol idk but i absolutly LUV the series!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because I don't want to become obsessed with a book character!. I have been through an obsession and believe me, it ended terribly so I'm not taking my chances!. Plus, I just have a lot in my life I'm trying to enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i enjoyed those books, but for some people, it sounds a bit stupid(i loved it, dont get me wronge!) i mean, a vampire who falls in love with some beautiful girl!. it sounds like a story someone would submit on the computer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because some people are overly obsessed with the books that people can't stand the books from how much its talked about!. Or they just don't like those types of books!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably because it is fantasy!.!.!.I know someone who won't read them because it is not their type of book!.!.!.I love them though!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are a few reasons!.

The first is the cover!. Yep, the cover and the title!. Think about it!. Even I was at first hesitant to read it because of that!. A black cover with these terribly pale arms reaching out and offering an apple!. An APPLE!? It's a bit creepy, let alone that it's called Twilight!. People think it's going to be scary, dark, maybe even depressing!.

The second is the topic!. Well, there's the romance!. Many people turn their noses up at romance!. This is mainly because many romance stories are very predictable!. People don't like that!. So far, we have a supposed creepy, yet predictable romance story!. BLEH!. But here we go again!. The OTHER main topic!. Vampires!. *Shudder*!. Scary, bloodthirsty, creepy vampires!. Add it up; A supposedly creepy, yet predictable romance story with bloodthirsty vampires!. Echh!.
No one likes that!.

But that's why you don't judge a book by it's cover-or even by it's very vague and basic summary!. Because is it any of those things!? Not in my opinion!.

There's another reason too, and that's the fanbase!. *Sigh*!. Some people are a little!.!.!.


Obsessed!? Crazy, even, about their love for the book!. Now, yes, I'm a Twilight fan!. But am I obsessed!? No!. Thank goodness ^^!. But many people see the Twilight fanbase as a bunch of screaming, obsessed, ignorant pre-teen and young teen girls!. Which, we're actually mostly not!. I find it offensive that peeople think of us like that, but whatever floats their boat, really!.!.!.

Anyway, I agree!. People need to stop discriminating so harshly!. I mean, my father is reading Twilight right now!. What does THAT say!?

Peace! :D

Edit: I also wanted to add something more!. To everyone out there who thinks that all we Twilight fans don't read other books, you are SO off!. I read!. A lot!. Everything from modern fantasy to the old classics of Dickens, Austen, Bronte, and so many more!. So don't say those things, especially because you have no proof that they're true!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's because it's like that girl at your school says!. I loved the series too but now it's getting annoying because EVERY teenage girl I know is like obsessed with it!. It's all you seem to hear about in the fiction world of teenagers and it just gets annoying!. THAT'S why a lot of people refuse to read it!. Because a bunch of giddy, obsessed girls won't open up their minds to read other books!. All they do is stay obsessed with these books!. It's ALL over youtube and quite frankly it's SAD to see so many girls gloating and crying and throwing a tantrum over the movie and the books!. So, hopefully, now you see why many people refuse to read them!. They don't want to be associated with that crowed!. That crazy, obsessed crowd that wants to be turned into vampires and can't sleep at night because they want to read the that last book!. It makes me wonder what will happen to all of them when the series is finally OVER!. That's why people refuse now to read them!. I don't like to even say I like the books anymore because someone will think I'm some crazy fangirl that thinks that it's they're the best books ever!. They're not!. Read other books!. Wait for the last one to come out!. The movie looks cheesy!. This isn't the same hype as Harry Potter!. It's different, consisting of mostly teenage girls that want their own Edward Cullen or Jacob Black!.

Ok then!. You wanted to know!. I told you!. My rant is done!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I'm one of those people who refuse to read it, but there are quite a few factors behind it!.

1!. The fact that so much of the story line seems to be about ROMANCE!. i mean, ok, a little romance, like harry potter or something just adds to the story, but when the WHOLE THING seems like romance!? no, count me out!.

2!. Yes, the vampire factor!. I am NOT one for creepy books, movies, or anything of that sort!. even though ive been told by friends that the vampires arent like that horrific or anything, vampires turn me off!.

3!. The obsessions of people on answers!. there are these insane girls who have no life, and keep ranting about the series, and more often, their "love" for edward!. So many peoples obsessions also make me feel like, "this sounds RETARDED" it must be a stupid mushy book that nobody in their RIGHT MIND would read!.

4!. The covers!. BLACK!. that also makes the book seem depressing and goth!. another turn-off!.

5!. People constantly telling me to read it, and how awesome it is!. that, annoys me to no end!. "I DONT wanna read a vampire love story! bug off!" and im one of those people, that is stubborn, and the more im told to do something, the less i want to do it!.

Hopefully, ive explained my psychology to you, and you understand that different books are for different people!.
Great question btw!.


It's because some stupid people don't like to be like everyone else and like the same things as everyone!. Some people have issues with things that have become popularized!.!.!.!.
I HAVE NO CLUE WHYWww@QuestionHome@Com