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Question: Reaction Paper on West Side Story!?
I have to write a reaction paper on West Side Story(the book, but if you havent read it the movie is quite alike)
I do not know where to start!. any ideas!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically, this is pretty simple!. Your teacher is asking you to do a couple things:
1!.Read the book or at least rent the video and watch the movie!.
2!. Write a paper about your reactions to the story!. Did you like the story !? Why or why not!? Did you like the main characters !? Why or why not!? Did you find the main characters and the way they acted realistic !?

Imagine going to your best friend and telling them :
Hey, I recently read this great book called West Side Story!.
What are you going to tell the friend is the reason the book is so good!. How are you going to get your friend to read this book !? What are you going to tell them is the reason(s) you are so excited about this book!?

Got all the answers to the questions your friend is going to ask you when you tell them what a great book you read!?
Good!. Now, take those answers and start writing your paper!.
This paper should cover everything you and your best friend would have discussed about the book!. The finished paper should be typed!. You may type it on a computer using a word processing progam like Microsoft Word, if you wish, and then print it out!. It should be double spaced and be a minimum of 5 pages!.

This formula I've given you will get you at least a B on your paper!.

p!.s!. If you thought the book was a piece of trash use the same formula as for a great book and explain why you thought it was a piece of trash!. Its how you felt about the book and why that your teacher wants to know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start writing down some thoughts and how you felt as you read it!. When you ended the book, what did you bring away!? Did you walk away thinking, "wow, that was an amazingly lame ending!" or "Wow, that was really awesome!"

Start there!.

Next, write down specific areas you enjoyed the most -why!?
Next, write specific areas you dislikes the most - why!?

It's not perfect, but it's a place to start!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Reaction is just that, what did you think about it!? I saw the movie (many times) when I was 16 and my main interest was how Bernardo looked in that lavender shirt!. As a bonus my mother hated it, which made me crank the soundtrack up more!. We saw it for English class in conjunction with Romeo and Juliet from which it was stolen!.

In a deeper sense, my reaction was amazement that the Jets being all white did not like the Sharks as they were Puerto Ricans!. Here on the West Coast, up in the Northwest corner anyway, the only good head of prejudice anyone could work up was over the blacks!. So it befuddled me that there was such animosity towards the PRs!! (Later as I travelled I found out that every bunch of folks has some other race that they hate!. It seems to make them feel better!.)

And I have not yet seen any movie or read any book where people have proven to me that they have fallen in love at first sight and are sure they need to be together forever after twenty seconds!. Poetic license I know but bogus!.

I did think it was innovative to steal R&J and put it in not only a modern setting but an edgy one!. Basically you need to decide whether you liked it or not and why!. And then give examples of it!. Good luck!. Just write what you feel!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Write on how the book interprets gang activity back in the day!.
Write on how you felt about the gangs!. Did you feel the Jets were good and the Sharks were bad!? Could you have a bias due to your own race, or how the story was laid out!? Do you blame either side for the outcome at the end!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start by finding a woman named "Maria" and singing the Maria song to her as loud as possible!.

That'll getcha in the spirit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
