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Question: Have you ever had the ending of a book spoiled for you!?
I hate it when people tell me what happens!. If I wanted to know then I would ask!.

Has anyone ever done this to you!? Which book(s)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
nope if they do ill beat them up lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

I generally prefer to know what happens, as I like to be able to read a book without hurrying to find out what happens!. Quite often I read the ending so I will know and not have any rude shocks!. This doesn't apply to detective stories, where I prefer to be surprised (the first time at least), but i can re-read favourite detective stories over and over, so knowing the ending doesn't spoil it for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm fairly certain that I have never had the ending of a book spoiled for me except for by my own hand!.!.!. Wait, I don't mean that I turn to the back of the book and read the end first! I mean to say that in many cases, I will see the movie BEFORE I read the book because I know that I will never truly appreciate the movie after my imagination has had a chance to run wild with the story!. It's always more intriguing to me to read the book after seeing the film because then I can fill in any gaps that I felt I had watching the film!.

That being said, it's tricky too because there are so few books that haven't been adapted many times already!. Sometimes I just can't wait, I have to read it! Then my drive to see the movie isn't as great because I worry about how it will ever do justice to what I have envisioned!.

Good luck and happy reading!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ya, me and my friend drove by when a new Harry Potter book came out, and there was a huge line waitin to get in the store and get the book!. I dont know how, but he heard from someone what happened, and he slowly pulled by the line and stopped!. He rolled down the window and yelled, "DUMBLEDORE DIES!!!" and then frigin hits the gas as hard as he could!. Haha, we came back a while later and some people were CRYING, haha that was really fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, the second to last Harry Potter book!. I was so pissed off, but luckily they didn't go into detail!.
If someone had done that with the last book, I think I would have knocked them out!. I had to yell at two of my friends to stop talking around me when they finished the book and were about to discuss the ending!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Sometimes, when I think I know where the story is heading, I even read the last few pages before finishing the book!. I suppose it depends on why one reads a book!. I enjoy the use of language and the construction of a story!. Anyway, I tend to read historical novels, which are these days classed as 'faction' - so I already know then 'end'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah my brother told me who died in harry potter 5 even though he never read it, just heard it from a friend!. I read the last two quickly before he had the chance to ruin those too!. A Clockwork Orange was also ruined for me by my old english teacher who mentioned it in passing reference in class!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah! Not so much spoiled cause I think the books are crap!.!. but when the Harry Potter book came out - the one that Sirius dies in - I don't know what number it is!.!.!. a girl came into school when everyone was talking about OMG apparently someone dies in the book! !.!.!. and she was like!.!. Sirius dies !.!. page 714 and everyone was like AAAAARGH!! I thought it was quite mean !.!. =pWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes many times, but I still enjoy the book!. For me this happened with about 3 of the Harry Potter books, people would just be talking about it and next thing you know you overhear something about the end!. It happens but I just enjoy reading about it anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. I was going to read the book "Tears of a Tiger" for a school project a while ago!. I told a friend, who then proceeded to say, "Oh, the ending was so sad!" and then tell me the ending!.
I never read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh, a number of books! My current ruined book is Nanny Diaries!. It's our book club book, and I haven't seen the movie, but others who have seen it told me what happens!.

It's an okay book - nothing spectacular, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In britain, not sure where, think it was on the M1 somewhere Northish, somebody unfurled a banner on the motorway bridge that said


a day after the release of the 5th book!.
bloody b*stards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not a book but a film(s) - Saw someone told me about the dead guy in the middle of the room and that ghost film with bruce willis (i see dead people) the same person told me about bruce's role in that filmWww@QuestionHome@Com

omg yes, it was de book Goodnight Mister Tom and my friggin brother who had read it just before me blurted out a major part dat happens wen i was like over half way through de book and i was furious!!! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cause I looked up the ending on Wikipedia!.


I did this for 2 books in the Twilight Saga

Twilight && New MoonWww@QuestionHome@Com

No!. But i've done it few times!. first time i've done it purposely, cause my friend and i were having an argue!. But other was an accident, and i was really sorry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yup!. hate it when it happens!. I mean end of boooks should have that big finish but sometimes it makes me feel like the author just wanted to finish the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes twice by people in my school!!
both about harry potter books!.
i overheard ppl talking bout dumbledore dying, and someone told me harry doesnt die cos they knew i hadnt got to the end of the book yet!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah last summer when the last harry potter book came out!.
Oh boy, I think that ruined it for A LOT of people!. None of my friends ruined if for me!.!.!.I just read it as soon as it came out!. haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Kind of!.It wasn't the ending of it exactly!.
Reading Harry Potter 7, someone asked me how far I'd got into the book and then gave away two people that died later in the bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

I mostly ruin them myself! If I read I book that I'm not particulary interested in, I end up looking at the last few pages to see what happens before I continue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!!! the corrections by Jonathan Franzen, it wasn't the most amazing book I've ever read but I was super into it and my sister told me the ending before i got there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have this weird habbit!. I always look at the last page when Im in the middle of the book!. It doesn't always ruine the surprise but it keeps me guessing!.

Good question :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I've actually done this to my sister!. She was reading a book called "Frogs and French Kisses!." And I told her the ending!. She was so mad at me! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

well I've never read harry potter and that is mainly because i don't need to when i could just catch the story from everyone who spoils it for me!.!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep many many times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope thats never happened to me cos when they start to tell me i just put my fingers in my ears and start shouting LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA at the top my voice!.!.!.
then they usually shut up ha ha lol xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Usually, no!. lol!. The only book I can remember is Eclipse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i hate it too its so annoying ive had it spoiled by people so many times its crazyWww@QuestionHome@Com

LIke if someone told you the Dark Tower series ended exactly where it began!?

I hate that!.


Haha! I read the last Harry Potter book in one night just so I could go around to all the little kids and tell them what happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com