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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is Orwell trying to draw attention to in 1984 and in Animal Farm?

Question: What is Orwell trying to draw attention to in 1984 and in Animal Farm!?
1984 and Animal Farm are both meant to warn society of something!. I think he's trying to expose the danger of one group or person having too much power!. Which book is more effective!? I want to get some different views on this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just read animal farm today, and I've heard a bit about 1984!.

In my opinion Animal Farm was more effective in it's mission so to say to warn people about the dangers of Communist rule!. 1984 on the other hands says, this is what happens when Communism winds and goes unchallenged!.

Animal Farm was a beautiful book that encompassed the heartless struggle for prosperity!. It was a great example of a one step forward, two steps back world!. Where the spirit of revolution and freedom eroded with mistrust in leaders that changed the poor naive people's, bet yet animals to Totalitarian rule, which was no better then life before Communism!.

1984, another great book by Orwell campaign what could be, while Animal Farm campaign what had already begun!. 1984 was a call to the world to never fall pray to this idea of prosperity, where 'Big Brother is always watching you, and knowledge is distorted to the point where '2+2=5'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I think 1984 gets the point across in a clearer way, but Animal Farm is easier to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he was trying to bring attention to the evils of communism and how the leaders take advantage of their followers!. i didn't like 1984 but animal farm was good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Orwell wanted attention to be showered on government intervention and intrusion into citizen's lives!.
I like '1984' most for this topic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com