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Question: Is a character driven or a conflict driven story better!? I need opinions!?
Which works better for you!? I realize that my scripts tend to head towards being more character driven!. I do create conflicts, just that I'm able to feel the character's sense of purpose better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In my opinion, while conflict is essential for a compelling story, the characters are the most important aspects of a literary work!. The potential reader will identify, sympathize, and empathize with the characters, care about their fates and their methods of dealing with the conflict!. I am a voracious reader, and I MUST be attracted to the characters in order to become involved with the plot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really, it's whichever you prefer, whichever you think will be a better story!. Personally, I tend to prefer character-driven when it's a really interesting character, and conflict-driven when there's a fast-moving plot!. Really, though, what's important is that you enjoy writing the story and that the reading is worthwhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

EHMAGAWD, character-driven please~!

The thing is that conflict-driven seems forced!. Often, the characters aren't developed enough to initiate the conflict on their own!. Thus, the story's pace is sluggish and seems unnatural and unbelievable!.

Well developed characters are able to establish their own conflict based on their unique and coinciding beliefs, views, and personality flaws!. This makes it sooo much more believable and satisfying to the readers!.

That being said, I applaud you for being character-driven-ish~! -dances-
It irks me to no end when writers do not realize how terrible their writing can be!.!.!. -twitch- XD; Like you said, your characters are so well established emotionally that the conflict with pour right out of their essence~! Definitely better!

I could go on forever, but for the sake of your most-likely bleeding eyeballs, I won't!.!.!. hope I helped *somewhat* and wasn't a complete waste of your time~ If you'd like me to add anything (because, despite being long, I always feel like my answers are somewhat lacking!.!.!. XD;;), let me know, good luck~!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!.!.it depends!.!. but i think it's also interesting to know that when there's a conflict, we can always see people change, a good person could become so desperate and determined to go beyond anything just to get what he desires, or, a bad person could open eyes with a small kind deed that he, himself never realizes that it's good!.
conflicts might involve provocation, sacrifice and other unexpected things that could stir even a steadfast person!.
so conflict driven is not bad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My personal style is a nice blend!. I like fast paced plots, but I also manage to make my stories very psychological and really delve into the characters' psyche!. I find blending the two together is what works best for me!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Commercial fiction (Dan Brown and his ilk) tend to be plot-driven!. Literary fiction is primarily character-driven, sometimes place-driven!. Depends where you want to pigeonhole yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com