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Question: Story I found!?
This is an idea I came up for a story a long I must have been!.!.!.9 or 10!.Oh and when I explain it it sounds a little corny to me!. Anyway It's about a girl who is in a car crash with her parents, and when she wakes up thet're both dead!. She grows up and becomes a very sucsesful buisness woman but is lonely and she can't become attached to anyone because she's afraid she will lose them!. Then some kid shows up at her door who she has to take care of and everything, because he has no parents!. She takes him in and trys to find his parents but he has amnesia and can't remember anything!.In one part she invite her friends, more aquintences, over to her apartment and introduces this kid (toby) and they just stare at her because well, they don't see him!. So she's the only one who can see him!. After a while she grows to love him like a son, and he loves her!. But toby and her one day go for a ride and!.!.!.need I say more!? But then when she see's toby is dead and she's dying, she wakes up in aWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the "none of it ever happened" idea is a lazy and unsatisfying resolution!. As for the rest of it, though, that's amazing, especially for a 10 year old! I can't imagine my ideas being that complex and deep at age 9-10, and I did read a lot at that age!. The longest story I wrote at age 10 was this 5-page story about a crazy vampire who had some strange experiences in a haunted house!.!.!.Anyway, your story's really original!.

By my normal reading standards, I don't like the idea of everything being a dream!. It does tie things up, and it is unconventional!. It also frustrates the reader, though!. I mean, it's sort of like, "I can't wait to see how this is resolved!.!.!.but wait! It's just a dream! It doesn't mean anything! That's so pointless! Argh!"!.

So if you're planning to actually write this, change the ending up a little, and come up with a good reason why her friend's can't see Toby!. That's a pretty well-planned story for a 9- or 10-year old!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should write it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds really interesting! The only thing that I think you should change is the "it was all a dream" ending!. Those endings are really frustrating for the reader!. I once read a book that had a similar ending, in that none of it ever happened, I was really annoyed!. I thought that reading the (thirteen book) series was a huge waste of time!. That's something you definitely don't want people to think after they read your book!. Other than that, though, it sounds very original and it sounds like a book I would love to read!Www@QuestionHome@Com