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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Twilight vampire question: can vampires sneeze, cough, yawn?

Question: Twilight vampire question: can vampires sneeze, cough, yawn!?
I don't think she clarified this in any of the books, and I haven't seen it on the Lexicon -- anybody know, have proof!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, no!.!.!. they're only human in appearance!. They don't sleep so they don't get tired, therefore they wouldn't yawn!. Although they do "breathe" out of habit!. Sneezing happens when little things like pollen or dust get up in your nose and tickle you and as a response, you sneeze!. But vampires don't have that problem because reactions like that are gone with their heart beating, you know!? Same with coughing!.

Although I don't doubt that a vampire could pull off a convincing form of any of those three!.

Edit: And for what Meggy said, it wasn't literally "coughing" the pizza back up!. Vampires' body reject human food!. He basically threw it back up!. Reverse peristalsis! Not a pretty picture!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can they relieve themselves!?!?!? Pee and things of such nature!?!?!? I dont think so!. The vampires in twilight are not the traditional vampire type!. I like the way Meyer portrayed the vampire!. But I kinda like the traditional vampire characteristics better!. That they are unnatural so they are rejected from all things bantural like water, light and crosses that devoted religius people use!. I thing Garlic doesnt really work on them!. i also think they can mate and piss!.!.!.they are like hybrd humans I also think witha pulse!.!. Theyu ony thing different form them and a human is that they are stronger and they live longer they are inhumanely beautiful and more animal like characteristics!. No I dont think they sneeze, cough, or yawn though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They can sure fake it! But none of these bodily functions are necessary for them!. They don't have to breathe, so neither sneezing or breathing is possible!. They also don't produce any bodily fluids (such as mucus) except for venom, so they have nothing to expel via coughing or sneezing!. As for yawning, it all goes back to the not actually having to breathe thing!. We yawn when our bodies are low on oxygen (which often happens when we get tired)!. But vampires don't need oxygen!.!.!.so they don't have to yawn!.


Sneeze- No, I don't think so!. (Unless they fake it)

Cough- Yes! They can!. I remember Stephenie saying that in Twilight, after Edward took a bite of pizza that later he had to COUGH it back up!.

Yawn- I'm sure they can, but they probably don't have to since they don't have to breathe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think they would cough or sneeze because vampires don't get human illnesses, and they wouldn't yawn because they are never tired and never sleep!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

their bodies are like frozen the way they were when they were changed so i don't THINK they sneeze or cough!. They can fake it!. As for yawning, they don't need to sleep so they don't yawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think they sneeze, i don't know about yawning, but Edward does cough!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they can do all of those, they just don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You make them up so they can do anything you want them too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

She never mentioned it!. That's a good question!. Ask Stephenie Meyer (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

i assumeWww@QuestionHome@Com