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Question: I'm confused about New Moon, by Stephenie Meyer!?
First off, I'm a Twilighter, and I've read each one of the series!. Second, no rude remarks please!. I know this is yet another question about Twilight, I get what you mean, so please, no rude comments!. Okay, now my question!. SPOILER ALERT!. When Bella, Edward and Alice are in Volterra, Aro says "Just remembering how she appeals to you; it makes me thirsty!." What does he mean by that!? Appeals as in a human way, or in the way with her blood!? Easy ten points!.!.!.!.!.please and thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Def!. not the human/emotional way way, Aro is very much a stereotypical Vampire who relies on his instincts!. Since Vampire's mainly relate to humans solely on a predator/ prey level, it would not make sense for Aro to comprehend or relate to unyielding love Edward has for Bella, in the very real human sense!. Furthermore, Aro often refers to Bella as Edward's siren, because her blood sings to him draws him closer, drives him mad( or at least it used to more intensely at the beginning)!. Edward himself tried explain to Bella in Twilight how alluring her scent was to him and he couldn't even put it into words the sensation it caused in him, with a pull/thirst so engulfing as that no wonder Aro would be salivating over blood as he reads Edward's mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Appeals to him as in with blood!. He's a vampire, and he was inside Edward's mind!. He could feel how the "la tua cantante" stuff was working its magic on Edward!. In that moment he practically was Edward, pining for Bella's blood!. I'm pretty sure Aro's past human!. The "tour" underground should have shown that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that he means both!. Aro knows that Edward wants her blood and that he wants her!. He can really only have one, and he chooses the "moral" one!. He says "it makes me thirsty" because Edward puts himself with something he can't have, which just makes her more mouthwatering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he knows that Edward is crazy for her blood, and the thought of him trying not to drink it drives Aro mad and makes him think/know her blood would be the best, so since Edward wants her blood it makes Aro want it too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i think its becuase Edward loves the smell of bella's blood and basically wants to drink it because it smells nice etc!. and so bella appeals to aro in that way, as well as aro being "thirsty"Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the vampire way!. He wasn't being sexual in anyway (at least hope not)!. He could see Edwards thoughts about Bella and how delicious she smelt and it made him thirsty for her blood!. But not in a serious way!. I think he was joking a bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its with the her blood Aro was reading Edwards mind about way back in the beginning when it was hard for him to resist his thirst for her blood!. The thought made him thirsty!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means the smell of her blood is especially strong and that the way she smells makes him want to kill her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He means that the way Bella's blood appeals to Edward makes him thirsty!. Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when he says "it makes me thirsty" i'm thinking he means bloodlust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com