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Question: How can I ever be an author!?
I love writing but I have so many things to do in my life I hardly ever have time and as most teens I go through "phases" well it's more like cycles!. "I love writing!" then "I like writing but I'd rather draw fashion designs", then it's " I want to write poetry" the something bout gymnastic, dancing, singing, song writing,this that and the other thing and then back to writing! I can never stay with one thing I always want to everything!. And I don't want to read certain book or practice writing because again I'm trying to do a million other things!. And when I do write something all I can think is "This dosen't even compare to some of the books I've read"!. I kind of want to get something published young (I'm still 13) It's kind of a family tradition lol!. But I can't do it becuase right now I'm on poetry and music and I can't think about my writing, and then I see all these people who are so ambishious about what they are doing that it makes me feel bad because I'm not even trying and IWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You dnt neccesairy have to work ot to be an author!. Write whatever you want, if you're really men to be an author, it'll come naturlly!.
So!.!.!.take a deep breath!.
And maybe, if u really want to give writing a novel a shot, just start doing it!. Don't give up because u think you're not good enough!.
We always judge ourselves harder, so just because u think something u write is not good, doesn't mean it actually isn't!.
Hope I've helped =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't give up and enjoy all the things your interested in!. When its time in your life, you'll be able (and want) to do more with your writing!.
I didn't start writing until I was 39!. Now I'm working on getting published and have a couple of manuscripts at publishing companies!. Sometimes I stop writing and I sculpt!.
So keep writing when you are in the mood!. When your not, don't force it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can still be an author =D you can have that as a like side job! that's what i'm doing! xDWww@QuestionHome@Com

"To write is to write is to write is to write"!.!.!.Jane Austin
Cant say it better than that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes you can!.!.!. you are only young and its good to have a variety of interests!.!.!.!. start writing short storys/ poetry and send them to your local paper to be published!.Www@QuestionHome@Com