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Question: The Magician's Nephew!?
What are some pictures I could use for this book!? and what arre some good illusions to this book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could use a picture of the bell to represent the bell Digory struck and woke up Jadis!.

-green and yellow rings - (These represent the rings Digory's uncle made to enable them to go to and from other worlds!.)
-a guinea pig (Digory's uncle sent one into the other world and Digory and Polly found it there!.)
-green woods (This would represent the woods between the worlds with the pools that go into various worlds!.)
-a silver apple (This represents the apple Aslan told Digory to get!.)
-a lamppost (This represents the one Jadis ripped out of the ground in London and brought into Narnia!.
-a London cabby with a single horse-drawn carriage (That would be the cabby who drove Jadis, who became the first king in Narnia!.)
-a winged horse (Strawberry, the cabby's horse, turned into Fledge and Aslan gave him wings in Narnia!.)
-A single lion with his head raised to represent Aslan while creating Narnia!.

There are a lot of other pictures you could show, but this may help!. I'm not quite sure what you mean by illusions ("something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality")!. Could you be more specific!?

If you mean allusion ("passing reference or indirect mention"), the apple would represent the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, the witch who tried to tempt Digory would represent the serpent in the Garden, Aslan creating Narnia would represent the creation story in Genesis, Digory bringing the witch into Narnia could represent Adam bringing evil to the Earth by eating the fruit without being deceived, Aslan represents Jesus and more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm, that was a good book, try just finding a picture of an empty hole in the wall that looks like it could be where the statue was, see, with me, i can picture it in my mind, so it makes it relatively hard to find a fitting pictureWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gandelfs third cousin!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

For pictures, why not do an image search for it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com