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Question: Information on Twilight!?
I have been hearing tons about Twilight!. I'm guessing you loved it!? I want to read it, but I'm not such a vampire fan!. What did you like about the book!? What are some words you would use to describe it!? Should I read it!? What is it about!? Any info is appreciated!.

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OMG Twilight - my favorite topic!. Yeah I did love it!. It was the best book I've ever read in my life =P Okay well!.!.!. at first I was kinda iffy on the whole thing when I read the back!. My friends persuaded me to read it & yeah here I am!. I've finished reading the whole series & it's so good I'm re-reading the series a second time!. I know, I have no summer life!.

So it's this romantic, thrilling, novel!. It's one of those books where once you start, you can't stop!. Once you read it I know you'll love it!. It's about this girl who moves to Forks expecting nothing!. She meets this guy & your basic Romeo & Juliet - guy can't be with girl, girl can't be with guy!. The twist is that he's a vampire (: I can't sum the book up in just one paragraph!. It's too good for that!. I don't know what else to say!.!. other than, if you don't read it -- you're crazy!.

PS Once you read it, don't be suprised when you're in love with a non-existing character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm sure you'll get a million answers but:
I was skeptical about reading Twilight at first too, i mean!.!. i was into harry potter when I was younger, but i wasn't a big vampire fan!.
Twilight is so different though! Mainly it's different because it's from Bella's perspective (your average looking klutz who just moved from phoenix arizona where she lived with her mother, to Forks Washington where she's living with her dad) and at first it's just about her adjusting to living in a new town, and there's a family that is strikingly beautiful and are treated as outcasts!.

Bella's curiosity about the family (in particular Edward Cullen) make her try to get to know them!. You don't even technicly find out they are vampires until page!.!.!. 126!. And you aren't even "positive" about that fact until chapter 9/chapter 13!. After that, them being vampires is played up in fun/new/interesting ways (come on, who doesn't want to play vampire baseball!?) and then you see the harsher side of vampires when a group of "evil" vampires come towards the last quarter of the book!. Not to mention, Stephenie Meyer adds a neat twist by having both good (Cullens) and bad (basicly everyone else) vampires!.

The reason the book is so good to me is because it doesn't really play up the vampire thing (atleast in Twilight) until the very end!. It's mostly a story about Bella and Edward and them testing their boundries in their relationship (that sounds kind of corney haha)!. It's just a sweet good natured story!.

You fall in love with the characters so easily, which is another plus!. Bella is totally relatable and a complete klutz (There's a funny quote where edward makes fun of the fact that Bella "can't walk across a flat, stable surface without finding something to trip over") not to mention there's a few funny gym class scenes!.

I would really recommend reading it, it's got action, romance, fantasy, comedy, and really good/realistic narration which is one of the reasons i think so many are in love with the book!. I've gotten a lot of diverse people to read this book, and they all have fallen in love with it!.

In my opinion, all the people out there who are saying "Twilight sucks" are only saying it because (i'll admit) it's popularity is overplayed!. It's like High School Musical (popularity/advertisement wise) only this story is really worth reading!.

Some people hate the charracters!.!. which is a possibility for you!. you might hear "oh bella's whiney" and "edwards emotionless"!.!. that's really not the case (to me atleast) if you look at it from each of their point of views (not to mention, for the people who hate edward, if you read midnight sun when it comes out to get his perspective) i'm sure you'll get over their character flaws- because what good charracter doesn't have flaws!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay i know people who arent really into vampires but read it and loved it!. what most people dont understand is that they are not the kinds of vampires u hear people talking about!. they are good, loving non human eating vampires!. i would describe it as a wonderful, well written young adult book!. I think you should read it!. if you dont like it then forget about it!. Its about this awkward clumsy girl who goes to live with her dad and falls in love with this mystery guy (Edward)(thevampire) and it goes on from there!. i dont want to ruin it for you!. I say Read it and if you like it then u do and if you dont then dont listen to the things people say!. I LOVE IT and i wasnt into vampires when i read it and now i lovee them!! I say just try it :] Dont forget there are 4 books to the series Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn (comming out August 2)

<3 Team Edward<3Www@QuestionHome@Com

words =cliche, too many descriptions, and boring, drawn out and long

in all three soon to be four books the story focuses on a girl falling in love with a vampire named edward!. he sparkles!.some problems come along but basically that is the plot for all three books!. bella falls in love with edward and she whines about moving to forks for the first hundred pages, also there are many descriptions of edwards body!. it is like romeo and juliet for teens

but don't take my words for it try it and see if you like it!. you mightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Really if you are not a fluffy teen romance fan or a vampire fan this is really not for you!. Its an alright story if you have not read any other books about vampires or romance!. The characters are cliche and the relationship is unrealistic!.Bella seems to faint, whine, and obsess over Edward more than anything else!. And all of the main characters have half thought out back stories!. Its very predictable!. And I feel like I reading what Stephanie Meyer wished her life was like when she in high school!. Really like I said if you like fluff then I can see where you would like it but if not don't bother reading its!.

The Bard~Www@QuestionHome@Com

okayyy!. well when i first heard of it i was all like ew who wants to read about vampires! i thought the book would suck!. but i read it and LOVED it!. you should definitely read it!. the book is like sweet and suspenseful!. its basically like about a girl who moves into a new town and falls in love with a vampire named edward cullen!. who is like freakin amazing!. ( that summary sucked the book is much better)

hope that helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

twilight and the 2 books that follow which are new moon and eclipse, are the best books i ever read, it's really good and u should really read them!.
there's a lot of action, romance and a lot of little details that u got 2 keep up with it, which actually makes it a lot more interesting!.
go to stepheniemeyer!.com and u can read anything about the books!.
one thing u woun't regret reading them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wasn't big on vampires either before I read the book!. I didn't even care to read things with vampires in it!. But I loved the first book!. Now I'm getting more into vampires and am about to read Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice!. Just check out Twilight!. If you don't like it then toss it aside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not into vampires at all either,but twilight is my fav book!. it draws you in and i cant really say why!.
the series is great!. i think its not so predictable but thats just me!.
other vampire books are so corny;this one isnt!.
i love all the details stephenie puts in!.
read twilight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yah my friend was telling me that it had vimparers am like wtyf and than i brought the book and now am in love with them yes you should read it go on amizon!.com type in twilight and you can read a lil about it so u can see if you even like it!!!i hope you do though!!!XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

Just go to stephaniemeyer!.com it's kind of a love story that more happens to have vampires in it!. It's cool but to be honest I only bought it for the vampire part!. ;DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I also was not a vampire fan of any sort before I read the books!. But after a few weeks, I came to realize that I was addicted!. I encourage you to read the books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are awesome and thrilling and exhilarating and perfect and suspenseful and mysterious and slightly addictive :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

okay so when i read the back of it i thought i was going to be horrible, but i read it anyway and now i love it!

now the writing isn't too fab, but i love the characters and that's what gets me! except bella, she bugs me!. : )

oh and i also HATE vampire books but this one was soo different that i don't even think of it as one!Www@QuestionHome@Com