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Question: Can Twilight be read by guys!?
I am a guy who just bought twilight!. a lot of my friends said that it either sounded really good or was really good!. reading into it, i was skeptical!. it seemed to be a girl book!. hardcore!. still, i'm always up for a good read!. but is it too much of a chick-book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I suppose they can!. Although they are a bit girly and mediocre writing at best!. But please please please promise us you won't turn into a Twilight Twinkie and that you will never come here and type OMGOMGOMG or "totally"!.!.!. We have enough of them already!. Thank you!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, that depends on what you may mean!. Some would find it extremely girly, but I still see guys reading it and actually getting into the series!. I actually read it and it is a great series with some interesting characters and a cool plot to boot!. Mostly, if you are into the romantic/sappy/tragic romance type of thing then yes, it's a great read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know tons of guys who have read it!. I had one friend who became obsessed it went like this:

Usually he hates reading and would be constantly asking my to talk to him so he wouldn't have to read when they made us read at school!. Then he got Twilight and was so wrapped up into it I started talking to him to pass the time and he said "Shut up I'm reading!"

So, don't worry you're fine reading Twilight!. Don't worry if the version Midnight Sun comes out, which is the version of Twilight written in Edward's point of view, it won't seem half as girly cause it'll be more like a guy's romance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not read them, but I have a "Guy Friend" that is reading the whole series and is really enjoying it!. Just read it because then when the girls that you know finish reading it, and start talking about a part in the book, then you can join in their conversation about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although they do center around the relationship of Bella and Edward, the Twilight series books do have a lot of action in them!. It seems that mostly only girls read them, but I'd love to see more guys reading these books!. Give it a shot! If ya don't like it, then ya don't like it!.!.!. But I don't know how anyone could not like them!. =PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutly! Some of my best guy friends (who are not gay) Loved them!. The book i believe are for anyone!.!.!. I don't think there is anyway for anyone to not like them!. One of my guy friends also said they were the best books he has ever read!. And he usually doesn't like "girly" type things, but these books he finished in a week!.!.!. That's pretty good for him considering he would usually never read before this!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I definitely think that guys should read it!. Romance doesn't mean it's only made for girls to enjoy!. I know few guys who read it!. lol it could actually be a good example for a good boyfriend, that Edward Cullen!. I think you should definitely go for it and read it!. Nothing AT ALL is wrong with reading it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, it is more like a chick book, but you could read it !.!. who could stop you!?i mean, its just a book!.!.!.besides, having a guy reading such a book, i think itll give you an idea how should a guy treat a womanWww@QuestionHome@Com

It is thought to be a girly book but i know a few guys who read it and they really enjoyed it!. I think its a good read and they thought so to, i guess it just depends on what books you like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a stupid book, and I'm a girl!.

Bad writing, weak characters, overused descriptions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anybody can read them!. I have a lot of guy friends who have read them and thought they were good!. And they are really good! I usually skip the sci-fi vampire books but these were actually very entertaining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

any book can be read by a gurl or a guy and i read sweep its alittle gurly but its fine gurls read sports books and such why cant we read a bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=8ORAA-2S_!.!.!. jjust one of many of my examplesWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's absolutely a girl book!. It's not like you'll be arrested for reading it or anything, I just wouldn't tell my guy friends if I were you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no the words will burn your eyes if u try to read it!.!.!.only girls can read it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anyone can read it, but it's very sappy especially to a guy!

Leave it for us girls to read it:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lol, yes!. But who cares!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yea it can!. it may be slightly on the girly side, but im guessing anyone can enjoy it!. i thought it was ok!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um, you could try

: |Www@QuestionHome@Com

nope!. not really!. i guess people say that cuz it's mostly romance!.!.!.!.READ IT! IT'S REALLY GOOD!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Now, my fellow man, please, listen to me and take these words to heart!.

I want you to go and find your copy of twilight!. Open to page 38!.

Now light it on fire and fling it in an empty metal trash can! Quick! Close the lid!

Take it out to the street, and come Monday or whenever your garbage gets collected, you'll be rid of any evidence that you ever bought this unholy affront to masculinity: provided you swallowed the receipt!. You didn't!? I thought I told you to!.!.!.oh, wait, never mind!. Swallow it!. (If you're having trouble, I find Fresca works well to wash down Twilight-tainted receipts!.)

You're probably wondering why I made you go to all the trouble incinerating the book and ingesting the receipt!. Well, let me explain!.

A few years back, this lusty harlot named Stephanie Myers decided she was going to write a doozy of a romance novel; full of obscene, infamous cliches like "throbbing member" and "milky breast!." Then, somewhere along the way, for whatever reason, (Perhaps she was bitten by a radioactive bat) she decided, "Screw it!. I'll make it vampire porn!."

If you are a red-blooded heterosexual male (as I used to be before I read Twilight) than you will probably suffer awkwardly while reading the two entire chapters devoted to Edward Cullen's morbidly pale, cold, marbled chest!. You will groan and skip ahead when time after time you are confronted with Bella remarking on how nice it is to put your head on a dead person's non-breathing stomach, relishing his icy-cold (yet extremely sexy) abs!.

There are multiple, equally dastardly reasons why Twilight is an affront to masculinity, but I'd say the bizarre underage necrophilia is the most glaring offense!. So please, I'm begging you from the bottom of my recently-turned-homosexual-slash-vampire!.!.!. heart!.!.!.

Don't read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com