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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Looking for book series about 4 sisters. Each of the four books is written from

Question: Looking for book series about 4 sisters!. Each of the four books is written from each of their perspectives!?
Each book is written over the same time span, but from each sister's perspective!. The parents have a great relationship!. I read the books as a pre-teen, I believe the books are pre to teen ageWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Sebastian Sisters series by Susan Beth Pfeffer
"Evvie at Sixteen"
"Sixteen-year-old Evvie, the oldest of the four Sebastian sisters, spends the summer in a resort town helping her Great-aunt Grace, who has broken her leg!. Although intimidated by this aunt who has always disapproved of Evvie''s father, Evvie has the good sense and wit to sidestep Grace''s opinionated lectures, and Grace comes to depend on Evvie for companionship!. Yet history seems to repeat itself when Aunt Grace reveals her disapproval of Evvie''s friend, Sam, a Jewish boy who doesn''t have the right credentials!."

"Sybil at Sixteen"
"Sybil's sixteenth birthday brings the Sebastian family together again--a reunion that initiates a series of crises and confrontations between the four sisters and their parents that have far-reaching consequences"

"Thea at Sixteen"
"As she seeks her niche in life, Thea becomes involved in volunteer work at the local hospital!."

"Meg at Sixteen"
"Meg at Sixteen rounds out the "Sebastian Sisters" quintet, although Meg is actually the mother of the "Sisters!." Her story begins five years after Nick Sebastian's death as the daughters gather to witness their mother's second marriage!. The scene quickly flashes back to Meg's sixteenth summer and her forbidden romance with Nick!. As Meg's adolescence occurred in the 1950s, the strict societal forces that govern her behavior may be slightly foreign territory for today's teens!. Meg is a proper young lady from a "good" family and is completely dominated by her guardian, Aunt Grace!. Grace has Nick investigated, discovers his illegitimate birth and checkered past, and promptly forbids Meg to see him, going so far as locking Meg in her room and threatening to send her to a sanitarium or a convent!. Of course, the fact that true love perseveres is never in doubt since readers already know this couple eventually will marry and produce four daughters!. While this twentieth-century Romeo and Juliet never evokes the depth of feeling found in classic tragic love stories, there are touching moments and serious undertones!. As readers of the other books know, Nick Sebastian is not always the perfect man or father!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

There not sisters, but they are best friends their entire lives, almost like sisters!. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares!.

There are 4 books in the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never heard of any besides the sisterhood of the traveling pants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sisterhood of the traveling pantsWww@QuestionHome@Com