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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone remember this book's title or authour???!!! PLEASE HELP.?

Question: Does anyone remember this book's title or authour!?!?!?!!! PLEASE HELP!.!?
In the book there is this boy I think he had just turned 16 and it was set in the future anyway I think in the book once you reached a certain age you were put to work as a slave or killed I can't remeber!. The Boys is saved by a band of rebels who want to over though the rulers of the world!. In the group there was a Woman that could form items out of thin air!. A man who was really really strong ( ithing that was his power) there was this girl with then but I forgot her power and the boy who was saved he could see the future!. Anywhay in the book almost everyone has powers and there is this Orb that gives them the powers in the end of the book the orb is destoyed and everyone losses thier powers!.!.!.!.!.I also remember that the headquarters for the rebels was in a submarine like thing also thier leader ends up betraying them!.!.!.!.So if anyone knows a book like this please tell me the title or aouther i really want to re-read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I enjoyed that book--it was quite an interesting premise!

It's called "Shade's Children" and it's by Garth Nix!. If you enjoyed this one, you should definitely try out Garth Nix's other books as well!.

From amazon:

In the brutal world of Shade's Children, your 14th birthday is your last!. Malevolent Overlords rule the earth, directing hideous, humanoid creatures to harvest the brains and muscles of teens for use in engineering foul beasts to fight senseless wars!. Young Gold-Eye escapes this horrific fate, fleeing the dormitories before his Sad Birthday!. He is rescued from certain doom by other refugees who live in an abandoned submarine and work for Shade, a strange, computer-generated adult!. Shade provides food and shelter in exchange for information that the children gather on dangerous forays into Overlord territory!. But what does Shade really want!? He is a sworn enemy of the Overlords, but his use of the children to gain knowledge and power seems uncaring and ruthless!. Finally, Gold-Eye and his new friends set out to destroy the Overlords--with or without the enigmatic, dangerous Shade!.


I don't know that book in particular but the story sounds pretty similar to The Giver by Lois Lowry, if that helps!. Maybe you can look up the Giver and similar books or maybe you would enjoy the Giver just as much!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok, this isn't the most helpful answer, but you did ask about similar books!.

One book you might like is the popular "A Wrinkle in Time", by Madleine L'Engle!.

There are also the complete Chronicles of Narnia, starting with "The Magician's Nephew" (one of my personal faves) by C!.S!. Lewis

Those are classics, and because they're older they refer to some difficult subjects and use a wee bit of language you might not completely understand at first, but it isn't hard to get the gist!. They are timeless though, people still buy and read them like crazy, and most of the characters have special "gifts" that let them do extraordinary stuff!. "A Wrinkle in Time" closely resembles the book you're describing, but not quite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds very much like the John Christopher Tripods series!.

Book 1 When the Tripods came
Book 2 The White Mountains
Book 3 The city of gold and lead
Book 4 The pool of fire

Here's a summary/review of the White Mountains:

On an Earth where the Tripods -- huge, three -- legged machines -- have ruled for as long as anyone can remember, thirteen-year-old Will harbors fears about the Capping ceremony he will soon undergo!. Capping marks the transition from childhood into adulthood, but it also has a more sinister meaning: It is the Tripods who attach the metal headpieces to people's skulls, and once Capped, a person is forever a slave to them!. As Will learns the truth, he realizes that he must escape while his mind is still his own!. With two companions, he begins a journey across Europe to find the stronghold of the last free people in the world -- in the White Mountains of Switzerland!. Thirty-five years after its original publication, we are proud to offer this anniversary edition of The White Mountains, featuring a new preface from John Christopher, as well as the author's fully revised text, available in the United States for the first time!.

Great books--enjoy!. Hope that's it!.
