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Question: Why can't the Cullens!.!.!.!?
Why cant theCullens just BUY blood from blood bank/hospital!? It's better than hunting I bet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, you see this doesn't solve the problem!. The blood bank is for people who need blood as in for humans with like complications!. Taking that away will kill people who need blood (excluding vampires) lol:p

The Cullens find hunting a lot of fun!. Its the whole thrill of it!. Going on trips to other parts!. Snacking on the animals!. large variety too!.

Taking blood from a blood bank ruins the whole vampire thing, plus its human blood so it breaks the rules!. Fresh meat fresh blood not stored blood lol!.

also they would probably get caught if they did that!. People would be like you are healthy why are you wanting all this BLOOD!? It would make others suspicious! The Cullens don't want that!. Then again they are rich!. LOL they would be like keep quiet & give me the blood I HAVE MONEY! $ LOL!

But I wonder how long that would last!. They are the type of vampires that want to go kill and get their own food!. Plus it ruins the whole vampire thing!. I am a lazy vampire fear me gahh!.!.!.!. they need someting to do if they are living forever!. Going out to buy blood makes it BORING! Killing some fresh animals well, now thats a challenge!. Thats a game-->In which they succeed! =)

I Hope This Helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com


A) Someone may get suspicous if they find out!.

B) It will make it harder for them to resist hunting humans!. If you have never tried a cigarette before then it is easy to resist them but if you have been smoking for a while it is more difficult!. It's the same sort of principle!.

C) They enjoy hunting; it allows them to just let go and be themselves for once!.

D) Eating animals makes them feel more human!. If it was human blood, regardless of whether the human died or not, they would feel like monsters!.

E) Because that blood is there to help people who are ill and need it!. Blood is already in short supply so it would be selfish for them to take it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In many fantasy series there is an 'artifical' blood substance available but the Cullens' answer to feeding, using wild animals, works well!. They love the hunt!.
Besides don't ya think someone would notice the constant withdrawals!.!. And it does show some real respect for humans not to take human blood resources--blood banks run near empty all the time!. There are always blood drives going on because so many people who need blood cannot donate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like someone said, they probably like to hunt and that would be human blood!.
Not to mention, it'd look suspicious if they just bought several tons of blood, y'know!? Although Carlisle probably could get away with it!.!.!. But, anyway, that blood wouldn't be as fresh, thus it doesn't taste as good!. Think of it as water - sterile water tastes worst than water fresh from the tap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love this question!. I've read all the books!. A lot of vampires in many books are agressive so hunting allows them to get out their agressation and it's fun, too!. Just image it!.!.!.!.!.what do you do to get your agression or anger out!? Hunting liek a vampire would be fun!. :) And blood from the bank or hostpital is human blood and they don't drink human blood either!. It's agaist their rules!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if they did this they would get a taste for human blood, which is what they want to avoid!. they have sort of weaned themselves off it so that they can be around humans without attacking!. if they were used to drinking human blood, it would make it incredibly hard to control themselves around humans!.


because it's human blood!. it's like, if they drink human blood, they'd crave for it more afterwards!. so they'd be tempted to get more and more human blood! lol!.

plus, i dont think it would taste nice coz it would be all cold and old!. lol

and it's boring!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a good question!.
But it's more interesting if they hunt
if edward didnt go on his weekend hunting trips then alice wouldnt watch bella which is funyWww@QuestionHome@Com

because that would still be human blood!. and they've sworn that off!.

and b/c they like to hunt!.!.its more funn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Someone would notice if they kept buying a ton of blood!. Besides, people at the hospital need that blood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They love the hunt!. It's part of the thrill of being a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com