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Question: Who are your favourite siblings from a book!?
What do you like about them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fred and George Weasly!. I have 3 borthers, and they're all a bunch of annoying troublemakers, yet somehow they're still loveable, just like Fred and George!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I very much liked Nancy and Peggy Blackett in the Swallows and amazons series by Arthur Ransome when I was young!. I wasn't like them but I wanted to be, they were brave and adventurous and competent, and I wasn't any of those things!.

I also admired Lottie and Lisa, from the book of the same name by Erich Kastner!. I admired their courage and resourcefulness in carryng out their daring plan to change places and bring their parents back together again!. Again, not at all like me!.

I was always very fond of the Melendy family in the books by Elizabeth Enright - The Saturdays, the four-Storey Mistake etc!. They all had interesting personalities and all seemed very convincing to me as a family!. I don't think I was like any of them really!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Phoebe in 'Catcher in the Rye!.'

She stayed right there with better-than-a-parental eye on Holden's descent, sensitive and matter-of-fact in a great 'kid' way, and was even ready to run away with him!.
She pretty much changed his life!.

ADD: Phoebe doesn't remind me of my siblings at all!. Mine seemed ready to leave me behind most of the time and, if not, they were a real pain when I was a kid, caring nothing at all about the ducks in Central Park for instance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The girls in Little Women by Louisa May Alcott which I read decades ago!. I wanted a perfect mother like theirs, a house like theirs and a life as romantic and wistful as theirs!. Of course nowadays I would think it ridiculous and recognise that my own mother was as perfect as any real human being could be but the books of our adolescence are very important in shaping our view of the life we want for our own families!.

The Bennet girls run a close second - but who would want their mother!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the Pevensies from Chronicles of Narnia!!! They're just so cool, and when I was younger, I was an only child and I often imagined I'm their sister and we all go to Narnia!.!.!.
Fred and George Weasley are a close call as well!.!.!. They're funny and sweet and I was so sad when Fred died!.!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com

O i totally agree on the Bennett sisters!. I was gonna say them and then i saw that you already had!. I think the affection between them is great and you can totally feel how Lizzy feels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It would probably have to be Ender and Valentine from Ender's Game and sequels!.!.!. not sure if I would include Peter in there :) But I like them because they stay together for thousands of years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fred & George Weasley! So funny!. Kinda remind me of my sibblings, but not really!. Cried so hard at the end of 7th book!. God bless!Www@QuestionHome@Com

same as you the bennetts,but they don't remind me much of my family as i only have one brother!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Arthur and D!.W
self explanatory, its arthur!
by marc brownWww@QuestionHome@Com

fred and george weasley from harry potter :-)

i love them, they are some of my favourite characters in the series


paul and elizabeth from les enfants terribles!. they fight so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peter and Jane!
Remember those books!?

Oh and Chip and Biff!.


i wud say fred and george weasely
they r so cool and they nevre fight wid each other
they r so clever tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

Breacca and Ban from the "Dreaming" series by Manda ScottWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hansel and Gretel!. They get to eat all the sweeties!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fred and George Weasley so much mischief!Www@QuestionHome@Com