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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Isn't this a great quote? And would you ever consider reading this book?

Question: Isn't this a great quote!? And would you ever consider reading this book!?
"You see, I think love comes from God!. And so, to turn away from love, real love, it could be argued, is to turn away from God!." This is from a book called, "Dare, Truth, or Promise"!. I've never read this book but I'm dying to read it!. It deals with lesbianism!. Don't judge it just because of this!. If any of you have ever read "Annie On My Mind" you'd know that these books are filled with intense emotion and real situations that make you really reflect on things!. Reading these types of books don't make you gay either just so you known!. Anyone who thinks that is just being ignorant because being gay is not a choice, nor can a person just become gay all of a sudden!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't know about "Dare, Truth or Promise," but I've read "Annie on my Mind," and thought it was incredibly moving!. Nancy Garden, who wrote "Annie On My Mind," also wrote several other books dealing with gay and lesbianism!. There's "The Year They Burned the Books," "Holly's Secret," and others!.

I definitely agree with you that being gay is not a choice, and you don't just "become gay" in an instant, by hanging out with gay people or reading books by/about gay people!. It is truly ignorance, and I'm glad someone agrees with me!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm straight, but real love between two consenting people _is_ the highest virtue in all religions and beliefs that I know of--and forbidding or restricting it because of the gender of either partner is foolish and fearful!.

I'll read any book that tells me something--if this book can tell me something worth knowing, I'm all for it!.

(Note: Kids can't consent; animals can't consent; if anyone pulls out the old canard of the slippery slope, please see Lawrence v!. Texas!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just to put it out-in a college dictonary, the fifth meaning of 'gay' is rakish whichs directly means smart!. Gay also means happy!. Just stupid people created the informal use of the word gay by it meaning stupid or gross!. The informal use of the word it stupid! Sorry, I work with gay clients so it's a little offending a times!. They are great people too!. A lot of them aren't stupid or gross!. But I wouldn't consider reading this book because it's not my type!. I enjoy the oposite!. Full of blood and gore and susspense!. I love the Twilight serise :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

why you telling us this!? have you read shaekespeare!? "me thinks the lady doest protest too much" or wtever it is!. lol nah jst playing!.!.!.
but yeah u dont need to try & convince us or yourself, more to the point, about anything!. you do what you want to do, and read what you want to read !.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very good quote!. I like it!. Wouldn't read the book because it isn't my genre (fantasy/mystery/romance), but it sounds good!. Hope you like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a nice quote!. I read Annie On My Mind and loved it!. I'll definitely give Dare, Truth, or Promise a try!.Www@QuestionHome@Com