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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What books would you suggest for a young women's book club?

Question: What books would you suggest for a young women's book club!?
I'm trying to start a book club in my area for young women!. What books would you suggest!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, assuming by young you mean early 20's, or perhaps even late teens, I'd recommend Curtis Sittenfeld, (Prep, Man of My Dreams) or Laurie Notaro!. (The Idiot Girls Action Adventure Club; and more) Those are fairly light reading!. If you are looking for something more challenging, try anything by Margaret Atwood, or Gabriel Garcia Marquez!. Or, of course, Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters!. Isabelle Allende is good also!. Toni Morrison, Amy Tan!. There are so many!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For a book club!.!.!. interesting question!.

Here are a couple of my best picks!.

Time Travelers Wife by Audrey Niffenger: About a man named Henry who first meets his wife at age 18!.!.!. Only thing is, Claire, his wife, has known him since *She* was 6!. It's a longish novel (600 pages) about time travel - Great for a good long chat about fate vs choice etc!.

The Flawless Skin of Ugly People by Doug Crandal: About a man (who's name I cannot recall) who has been dealing with self esteem issues all of his life!. When his long time girl friend leaves him, he is sent into self reflection to become a better man and win her back!.

Sisters by Danielle Steel: About how the lives of 4 very different sisters come together!.

IF you want something a little lighter!.!.!.!.!.
Everyone worth knowing or Chasing harry winston by Laura Wisenberger!.
God's behaving Badly by Marie Phillips
Can you keep a secret by Sophie Kinsella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What age are we talking about!?

I think you can't go wrong with some of the Chick -Lit authors like Sophie Kinsella and Marian Keyes
Here is a website with a bunch of authors and titles:


I also suggest a few classics be thrown in too (The Scarlet Letter, Wuthering Heights), as well as books by Women of color!. Amy Tan, Pearl Cleage, Julia Alvarez !.!.!.etcWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ann McCaffrey!.!. The Dragon Riders of Pern
written for teen/young adult but great books for any age!

tweens/younger teens !.!. Misty of Chicoteague !.by Marguerite Henry!. great story set in a real place in Virgina about real people!.!.I know I met them! written in the 60's but a good story!. I liked it so much when I was 12, I talked my parents into going there!

young adult!.!. The Outlander by Diana GaboldonWww@QuestionHome@Com


Editorial Reviews

Product Description
Dr!. Laura Schlessinger is the incredibly popular and controversial psychotherapist who hosts a nationally syndicated, top-rated midday radio talk show!. She has strong convictions and doesn't hesitate to voice them to callers!. She urges women emphatically to lose a domineering jerk of a lover and pick one of the "good guys," to stay home and parent the babies they've made, and to follow the dream rather than some dreamboat!.

Above all, she exhorts women not to blame anybody or anything but themselves if they're unhappy and their lives seem a mess!.

10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives uses real-world examples from Schlessinger's radio show and private practice to drive the message home!. And the message is that our reticence to be bold and brave often makes us act like stupid, submissive victims!. Once we muster the courage to take responsibility for our own problems and to tolerate the discomforts of risk, the possibilities for personal growth and joy are limitless!.

If you're looking for an all-approving hand to hold, you won't find it here!. If you're prepared to take a clear-eyed look at your self-diminishing behavior and to make the move to a quality existence, there's no one better than Schlessinger to keep you honest and to cheer you on!. One thing's for sure: You'll never look at your relationships, behaviors and decisions the same way after you've finished reading this book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

life as we knew it by susan beth pfeffer!. it's a great book that's really eye-opening!. That's coming from a teenager that doesn't like to read and it's actually really good!. I just finished it this morning!. you have to read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you mean girls or women about 18 or so!? If girls I recommend the Black Beauty/other horses series and the Charlie Bones series!. For 18 and older I would recommend the Outlander series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The notebook by Nicholas Sparks!. Very moving and poweful love novel!. Anything by Nicholas Sparks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i will say the twilight series that is the best book everWww@QuestionHome@Com