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Question: Am i a good writer!? I am only 13!?
*Its not edited yet so bare with me*
*When i grow up i want to major in journalism and minor in english!. i would like to get into the newspaper or broadcasting!. do you think i could be a journalist!?*


The knocking on the hotel door awakened Alex; she put on her satin robe and rushed to the door!. Her white Ritz Carlton slipper peeped out of the mahogany door!. She reached for the cardboard box hoping that inside would be the new Prada tote that came out Sunday!. Instead it there was a note
“Alex—I’m sorry about last night, I had to take the meeting!. I have a little gift, it didn’t fit in this box; I hope it will make things better between us!.”
“It has to be a car, it just to be!.” Alex thought to her-self!. She rushed to elevator, and spun through the glass doors, hitting a man in a suit from JcPennys!. Immediately after she took out her hand sanitizer from her robe pocket and rubbed it through her hands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The first rule in any writing is to be true!. You'll know when something's good because you wrote something close to your heart and the subject is something you've really thought about!.

One of the biggest mistakes most beginning writers make is they want to 'sound dark' or want to write something 'profound'!. It's called affecting a voice, and it's like wearing a mask!. No matter how good you think your mask is, people can spot them a mile away!.

If you write about something close to you, something that really happened, and something that really affects you emotionally, the words will become powerful on their own!. Once you know how to do that, you can start shaping fiction around it!. Once you've written about something that happened to you, you can start changing details!. Really good fiction comes right from the author's heart!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Keen eye for details--a must for journalists!. Good work soul'ja! And of course you can be a journalist!. If you continue practicing your talent--just think of how even more skilled you'll be by the time you go job searching!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need a better lead, if you dont have a good lead, no one will read it, and you lose the storyWww@QuestionHome@Com

You focus too much on clothing and brands, and you need to check your grammar and spelling!.

I know this is harsh, but you asked!.

There are numerous errors in the piece; maybe another answerer will give details!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, try mine im 12,13 around there!.


It's good, but you should wear down the use of brand names!. You're hiding behind it- all I could see was JcPenny, Prada, The Ritz!.!.!. I mean, be more original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

For only 13 years old!? Absolutely; that is excellent!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a year older than you--also an aspiring author!. You can describe the heck out of things, can't you!? Good, but it does show that you're a young author!. For instance, there is such a thing as too much describing!. also, you start a lot of sentances with what she did!. Use your senses!. Be Alex, make her real and thought-provoking!. For 13, this is good!. When you edit, I hope you will post a little more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Age has no factor in it!. It is not good writing!. You are writing a product placement ad!. How would she know the man was wearing a JC Penney suit!? Would she tackle him and read the labels!? When you have to resort to a long list of products to make your point, it is not good writing!. What you are doing is copying the clique--which is about the worst thing you could do because they are about the worst books on earth!. Be original!. Write in your own voice!. This is not original!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com