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Question: Ralph from Lord of the Flies!?
Can some1 give me an example of a wise decision or action made by Ralph in the book!?

Could u also tell me wat chapter he did this in (if u can)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
oh dude im totally just done reading the book (exams)
so here we go: his most wisest decision was when he refused to join jacks tribe (near the end of the book) even though he was offered multiple times by jack to enter// sam & eric also suggested he gives in to jacks group therefor he'd have a chance to escape jacks murder hunt
this was wise:
1!.) he understood that entering jacks group meant little hope of survival ultametly for everone fought for themselves and there was little trust
2!.) his chances of escape would be minimal for jacks group didnt care for rescue (signal fires) but rather for meat and immidate pleasure
3!.) his refusal was wise for in the middel of the book it gave hope to piggy and simon and made a statement about democracy
hope that makes senseWww@QuestionHome@Com