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Question: Fanfiction!.net what are stale documents!?
what are stale documents!? i uploaded some stories!. i have three and the it says under Life a certain # of days!. like for 1 story it has 58 days of life left!. how do i keep it from being deleted!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your documents will only be deleted from your document manager in 60 days!. However, if you've made your documents in to stories (publishing them online) the story ITSELF doesn't delete!.

Documents and stories are two different things!. If you've posted it as a story, it'll stay, it's permenent!. The document file it's under is only temporary!. If you're really worried about the document manage deleting the document after 60 days, save it to a word document in your computer and just re-upload it when this happens!.

Hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stale documents are documents that will be deleted in 60 days!. Just save it to a word document, and re upload it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com