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Question: Is there any hope for Twilight readers!?
Brain cells don't grow back, you know!.

If only we could get them to read something worthwhile!. I wonder if any one book could do the trick, before it's too late!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just got another obscene letter from a Twilight Twinkie!. Blocked her and reported her!. Is it just me or do the rest of you get obscene letters when you give an opinion about Twilight that isn't praise!? I actually saw one kid post her wedding invitation to Ed here and about 20 girls RSVP'd!. And the groom is a BOOK! PLEASE stop sending me the obscene letters!. I do not need to read your nasty little curse words!. I hate these books more and more each day and it isn't half as much the books' fault as it is the Twinkie's fault!. Give us all a break!. Form a group somewhere and invite each other to your weddings to books!. Getting real tired of it!. Stop writing me Twinkies!! Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I had absolutely no idea that the Twilight novel existed until I saw a Facebook "bumper sticker" about something called "Cullen"!. It made absolutely no sense to me until I saw ANOTHER one about "Edward Cullen"!. I did some searching and finally I figured it out!. A book series for teens about human/vampire romance!.!.!. I'm sure this has been done before!. I have to wonder what's so special about this particular series!. There seems to be an opposition to the series, but also a very large following, so I think I'll give the first book a chance!. I DO have the time to spare!.!.!. and most likely, I also have the brain cells to spare!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am answering because, frankly, I am easily amused and some of the answers are really entertaining in these threads!. ;)

On a side note, I've only read the first one!. Not impressed with it!. Obviously, hype has had a lot to do with this, which is how most teen fads work anyway!. I'll read the last book, skipping the two in between though as I found the first predictable enough to be able to jump from point 1 to point 4 without feeling like I missed a thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At least they're reading!. That's better than the kids who sit in front of the television all day, playing video games and running virtual people over with virtual cars and getting points for it!. Out of all the teenagers that are out there today, those are the ones I'm afraid of, not the Twilight fans!.

Besides, we all started out reading books like that - well, most of us, anyhow!. Harry Potter, Twilight, Roald Dahl - ones that aren't exactly nineteenth century Russian literature or great literary masterpieces, but they're entertaining, enjoyable, and allow reading habits to form!. Let them enjoy being teenagers!. No point in getting down on them until they get out in the real world!. If they're still holding onto their fantasies of Edward and Jacob then, that's a sign for worry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't despair!. "Hope springs eternal in the human breast," as Alexander Pope said!.

I must admit, though, that my hope slipped a notch when I recommended reading Dracula by Bram Stoker to someone who wanted a good vampire story after reading Twilight!. I got a lot of thumbs down for it!. Ah, well, such is life!.!.!.

I understand that Stephanie Meyer mentions Wuthering Heights in the series!. Perhaps they will read that and, from there, move onto other classics!? I'm trying to be an optimist here, don't burst my bubble! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is an easy read!. Pushed me to read more books until i finished reading Morgan's Run and lemme tell you, that's a GREAT one!.

It's All thanks to Twilight :D
I started to read other books :D

And yeah, dude!. i guessed your just a little pissed off bout the Twilight adiction thingamajig because Your a GUY and Twilight is for girls!. it's a girlie-girlie thing :D

Maybe that's why you have a reaction like that!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Truth be told!? Reading in general makes you smarter!. It helps you to get things in an easier perspective!. It helped me!. And on top of that, give a person who hates books one they love, and they might become a reader for life, and read anything, from acedemic to non-acedemic books!. It makes thier minds work!. So, just because you do not agree to something, doesn't make it horrible!. Until Twilight was forced upon me, by my friend, I didn't read at ALL!. Not even for school!. You just couldn't get me to do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do not think there is any hope!. I mean I read the series Its good!. But it is NOT the greatest $@&*^#! book written!. They need to get over them self and stop $@&*^#! flooding the section with *Oh who better and I think this*!. It is CRAP!!!

Stop it and go to bed!.
Plus I dont give a crap if I get all thumbs down,
Get over yourself!. It is Fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first, i have read the books and i think that they are magnificent!.

second, i have read a lot of other books besides Twilight that i think are just as good!.

third, yes we are going to be a little obsessed about it because the fourth book is coming out in august and then the movie in december!. we are a little overwhelmed right now!.

and finally, fourth, GET OVER YOURSELF!!! why do you care what we read!. o!.k!. i get you don't like the books and you're sick of seeing all the Twilight questions on here!. it doesn't mean that the books aren't worthwhile!.

we have our obsession and i'm sure that you have your's!. just get over it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well they are fine but i would like to see them read something else and set aside twilight while they are reading it!. there are so many good books out there to just be focusing on one series

yes they do read other books but some are always comparing them to twilight on here and saying that nothing is better!.all books are not going to be like twilight!. thats why its fiction written by different peopleWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand why you care so much about what people read!. It's their choice!. Read what you want to read and don't throw insults to those who have a different taste!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hey Bub! Your one of the only people i!.!.!. have HEARD OF that don't like the Twilight series! I love it! So don't judge others by the books they read!. Thats horrible!

PS!. I love Jacob Black!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I <3 TWILIGHT! Don't ask questions if you're just gonna hate on something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Twilight

and hey, at least it's reading!.!.!.think about it, a lot of people don't read anything at all these days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com