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Question: Why cant i read books, when they are for school!?
I have 2 summer reading books!. I just started one!.!.!. and ive read the first few pages and it was pretty good and i was getting into it! Then i remembered it was for school!. & i had to remember all the main characters and quotes about them and i freaked out and stoped reading!
What can i do to read this and stop thinking about schoOL!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have this problem sometimes, too!. I think you don't enjoy it because you're being forced to read the books instead of reading them on your own free will!. And, of course, there's that constant worry about characters and quotes!. What I try to do when I have this problem is immerse myself in the story and forget about the school aspect (which can be difficult)!. I find that when I treat it like a normal, nonschool book and focus only on the story that's being told, I enjoy the book more!. And then when I'm done reading, I think about what I read and recap the important parts (to ensure I read thoroughly enough)!. Occasionally, I have to reread parts or use online notes if I don't understand something, but that's fairly rare!. That usually works pretty well for me, so I suggest doing the same thing!. also, it can be good to take breaks from the school reading to read something you personally enjoy (or do something else)!. I hope that helped a little bit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have the same problem!. I, being a procrastinator, didn't read the book I needed to for school until the day before it was due!. It was a 300 page book and I can usually fly through those in less than a day but because it was for school it felt like I was reading for an eternity!. I finally finished and was so happy!. I couldn't remember half the book but at least I was done!. Than looking back on the book it sounded really good!. I guess it has something to do with the fact that the teacher is FORCING you to read a book!. Don't think about why you are reading the book!. Think about how good the book is instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That happens to me also!. I really got into a book i had to read but then i stared to stop reading cause i remembered it was for school!. Its cause you dont want to do anything for school during the summer!. Just try reading when your bored or when its raining!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read it first for enjoyment!. Then go through again for the quotes and themes and whatever else you need for the school assignment!. The first read will have already given you a feel for the book, and the second one will simply clarify and reinforce it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't think of it as a school assignment!. if you like the book pick up where you left off and keep going!. read it just for fun!. i do agree though that it is harder to read if you are being forced to!.
good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

because youre being forced to read it!.
it's easier to read something at your own will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com