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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I have decided! i think...(book names again)?

Question: I have decided! i think!.!.!.(book names again)!?
Okay, so based on the previous post, I've decided on everyone but # 2's name!. It's between Lena & Rory; read on to see her description!. Thanks to all of you guys in advance!

1!.HALLEY: She's outgoing, outspoken, crazy and spontanious; her hair color changes almost every month!.!.!. and underneath her happiness she's hiding a broken past and a hidden secret!.

2!. LENA/RORY: She's sensitive, bright, and very empathetic!. Not exactly shy, but only really talks when she has something important to say

He's a music/movie buff, and is overly superstitious!. Has ruffled brown hair and owns every comic/movie/band tee out there!.

4!.TRISTAN: athletic surfer boy; mysterious but charismatic!. blonde/red hair; is always wearing board shorts and flip-flops!.

also, do you guys like the other people's names!? Thoughts would be great!. I'll soon post something about the plot!. I've written around 3 chapters but no one had any names lol!. So yea!.!.!. thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello! :D Anyway, I think I'd rather Lena for such a character!. The others are okay!. :) Good luck on your story!

By the way, I'm also like that sometimes (the name with a character thing)!. It's not stupid!. At least I don't think so!. At least I don't hope so!. Hahaha!.

You know what I noticed about the names (Lena and Rory)!. Alexis Bledel played/plays both LENA in the "Sisterhood!.!.!.", and she plays RORY in Gilmore Girls!. :P :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure neither of them names fit the description you listed!. I think a more of a plain name like Jane or Jade would work for that kind of person!.

Sorry that's just my opinion!.!.!.

Good Luck on your story!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lena is pretty! Rory is a boy name to me!. And I love the other character's names!. Good choices!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd say LenaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm I like neither Lena nor Rory :D Not for this character I mean!

But I thoght of Rory as a boy name!.!.!.So I would say Lena! But I can't accept it with that character! Just as u said, Lena in my idea can't be one who talks when needed! and a sensitive one!
Now I think Aubrie could be this girl too!.!.!.

I saw a name once , Aiden! I thought it's a nice name too!.!.!.

I Liked Other Names! Nice were them!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com