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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Am I the only one?!! This is a question for Twilight fans!?

Question: Am I the only one!?!! This is a question for Twilight fans!!?
I am a HUGE Twilight fan obviously but is it just me or does the millions of Twilight questions bother you!? The haters questions, the people who want to know if the books are good, the people who want to know how other people feel about the book and the ones that really bother me are those people who want to know what happens in the books or the endings! So I want to know how many fans are starting to get bugged by the never ending questions!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I completely agree! I always look for Twilight questions in this section, and whenever they ask, "Is the Twilight Series really as good as everyone says!?" Or "Am I the only one who hates Twilight!?" The one that gets me the most, "Twilight vs!. Harry Potter" Those questions really make me angry!. I just want people to use the search bar, that is what it is there for! I do enjoy answering some Twilight questions of course!. But not the ones that are asked every 5 minutes!. Like "Where can I find the first chapter of breaking dawn!?" that one annoys me like there is no tomorrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that there are a bunch of people that ask if the book is good, so on kind of question!. I mean I am a big fan of twilight and at first I was glad to answer those questions at first, but then they kept on coming and it is so boring to answer them and I dont to at all!. I mean by now people should know what an amazing book twilight is, it is everywhere and always talked about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is better to enjoy the book for what it is, but not devote your whole life to obsessing over it, writing fan fiction about it, ranting on about twilight, asking questions, it just gets kind of tiring!. There are so many girls and guys i guess out there doing exactly this, and yes, it does get tiring!. read the book and appreciate it, but don't obsess please!. Sorry to be a party pooper, but VAMPIRES DO NOT EXIST!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well i luv luv luv the twilight saga and also luv luv luv Edward Cullen, funny funny my BF is jealous! ha! well yes questions that people ask like how does they book end!? does edward come back to bella!? Does bella die!? Does edward die!? And Im like READ THE F****** BOOK!!!! but yea it does bother me!!


I think that some people are a little obsessive when it comes to the amount of questions on Y! about twilight!. what really bugs me is when someone posts a question about twilight, saying how much they hate the amount of twilight question on Y!A!. so hypocritical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!. it takes away from the value of enjoying the book by yourself!. just the feel of it is kind of desensitized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know, if people want to know things about the series then they should just read the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know exactly how you feelWww@QuestionHome@Com


I now!Www@QuestionHome@Com