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Question: The Canterbury Tales!?
Why do you think Walter decides to test his wife!? Please provide one reason, other than the obvious fact that he is an evil character!.

Do you see any similarities between the Clerk's Tale and the book of Job!? What similarities do you see!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, the book of Job is about a man who has everything, and then gets it all taken away from him piece by piece by Satan!. God allows Satan to do this because he is sure that Job will stay faithful to Him (God); Satan doesn't think he will stay faithful!. In the end, Job is faithful through all the hard times Satan inflicts upon him, and God gives back to him everything he lost and even more!.

I hope that helps you find some similiarities to the Clerk's Tale!Www@QuestionHome@Com