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Question: Please name this town!.!?
I need a name of a town for my story, one that's easy to remember but not corny!. It should sound like a "real town!."


A forest is nearby and some people live there because the surrounding is peaceful!. But, the town is lively!.!.!.sometimes!. Most of the time, it's all about a character named Cleven (And yes, his name is taken from Cleveland, Ohio) and his partner, Kara!.

Crazy mysteries are yet to be solved in their home!. How they solve it, I do not know!.!.!. (yet!.!.!. ) : D (Maybe they do!.!.!.) Cleven's pretty much independent!. He doesn't even listen to me sometiemes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Tepida (from your nickname)
Does that sound like a real town!?!?
Market in Tepida is great!. There is just one central Market called, Tepida Centre, where you can buy everything!. The residential area is also known as Khaneh and the forest land, though known to the Scientific World as "Decidous forests of Tepida" but the locals call it "Shab-Jungle"!!

Having some fun!.!.

Terespia!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. all these my changing your nickname!. (Infact, I like your nickname -tepishane-)

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

A lot of towns were named after places in Europe--you see a lot of names like Berlin New Jersey, Moscow Pennsylvania, Syracuse New York, Athens Ohio, etc!. Another bunch are named after people, often with town (or ton), burg, or ville attached!. Millersburg, Smithtown, Hadleysville!. Interesting town names around where I am often came from the names of taverns: Bird-in-Hand, Broad Axe, Blue Bell, King of Prussia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

St Ives
(taken form suburbs near where I live in Australia!. Personally I like Roseville and St Ives)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Putnam County
Gwinnett County
Pope County
Lowndes County

Or you could leave COUNTY out!. Good luck! Your story sounds interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!.!. La Sune De Piea!?
Jhonstertion town!?
Kenston Road!?
Wertion ally
Keystone Buoluvard!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know randon
good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com


How about Tepiston, which is part of your nickname!?

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gwenbrooke (Gwen Brooke)
Tuck RidgeWww@QuestionHome@Com