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Question: Whats your favourite Twilight book!?
and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love them all!!!!!! :D

But!.!.!. I have to say Eclipse is my favorite So far!.

Its So Romantic and Suspenseful and Everything,oh and jacobs not in it as much! i hateeee him!!.
And because its the longest!. twilight book yett

Lolz but every time a new Twilight book comes out, Thats my new fav, so im sure Breaking Dawn is next, unless like Edward Dies or Bella dies, i'll cry so hard lmaoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Eclipse; in Twilight, their romance is just beginning to bud and so it gets tedious reading all of the information about why, how, when etc!. New Moon is alright, but obviously very depressing!. So, Eclipse would have to be my favorite for a few reasons: the first is because it's the funniest, in my opinion!. The second is because it has the most romance, and thirdly because I love how the book flows really well!. I have over 17 favorite parts in that book, and that include a wide range (not just Edward and Bella, though there are a few) I love all the Jacob/ Bella interactions (and although I might get a little slack for this, i personally really like their kiss!. A small part of me (like Bella) really wants them together!. But only a small part!. also, I love how we get to know more about Jasper, a previously very mysterious character!. All in all, Eclipse just summed up all my feelings of all three books!. And until Breaking Dawn, it helps quench my thirst when I need to read something twilight oriented!. Anyways, sorry for the length; i just love Eclipse!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love them all, twilight for the simple romance of it!. New Moon for Bella's strength in trying to get past Edward's leaving!. But especially Eclipse for Bella finally growing up and looking at her feelings in a mature healthy way, realizing that she does love Jake, but that doesn't change anything, Edward is her soul, it's more romantic because it's real instead of just the head in the clouds love she's always had for Edward!.!.!.
So I'd have to say Eclipse, but with out the other two you couldn't see now much she grows!. So everyone should definitely read all three, and four when Breaking Dawn comes out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Favourie Twilight Book is New Moon, because it shows just how mcuh Absense makes the heart grow fonder, it is romantic near the end, and because it it emotional and can really touch a nerve, when she is holding herself in, also when she gets delirious and starts heari ng voices shows just how much she loves him! It was Amazing! Hope I Helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eclipse, Edwardd and BElla are togetheer much more, and Edward doesnt' talk about leaving, like he does in Twilight, I could do with out Jacob though, he is a total and Absolute JERKKK I hate him with a burning passion!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE Twilight best!

It is where the whole story began!. I like how Edward and Bella meet and how the whole story evolves from there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

New Moon because it really shows how much Bella loves Edward!. Even though he left her, she goes after him!. Plus, she gets really close to Jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the third one and first one!. becuz it has a lot of drama and so intesting! well, im saying the second is not but its doesnt see right with jabco!. so yeah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i like eclipse better cause it has more romance and is so much more better that u never want to put the book backWww@QuestionHome@Com

Fave Twilight book!?!!? !.!.!. hummm!.!.!.!. I dont know I like them all alot!.!.!. but I would have to say Eclipse!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eclipse easyWww@QuestionHome@Com
