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Question: A Farewell to Arms!.!.!.a good book!?
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Hi Dialect,
I am a Reference Librarian!. And I loved the second half of the book!. Try to remember this is an old man telling a story of his "glory days!." The first half is not so exciting, the second half more than makes up for it in my opinion!.
Happy Reading!.

I really have to disagree with all of the Hemingway lovers!. It is not a well-written book, nor is it terribly original or representative of the horrors of the First World War!. All Quiet on the Western Front takes the prize for that one!. And as for it being a love story, Hemingway was hardly a romantic!. His books and stories tend toward the misogynistic side of things!. And I think his editor was as sloshed as he was when he wrote the thing!. His sentences read like shopping lists and his characters, especially the female ones, have about as much personality as a shopping trolley!. I know it's not a nice thing to say, but I have to put in my two cents because, in my opinion, Hemingway is one of the most overrated writers of the modern world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best WWI book ever written, and a horrifically beautiful background for its love story and what it says about love and war!.

The way Hemingway writes is also very stark and easy to read!. Every sentence is short and curt!. Sentence structure is very simple!. It makes it a powerful reading experience!. also somebody drinks something alcoholic on every page, which is terribly amusing!.

Oh, and it won a Pulitzer, so you should be reading it anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!
It's one of my favorites!.
If you are a Twilight fanatic, or if you've never read a deep book before, you won't like it though!.

No; utterly dreadful!. Typical Hemmingway, in other words!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

uh yeah!! read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com