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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Um...sorry i have another much does novelists make?

Question: Um!.!.!.sorry i have another question!.!.!.how much does novelists make!?
does it depend on the sales of their books!.!.!.or!.!.!.something!.!.!. else !.!.!. sorry for this question lol im very inquisitive today!. i think i know the answer to this question but this website confused me!. thank you for your patience and time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It depends!. Contracts are generally agreed upon between the publisher and the writer, giving the writer a percentage of sales!. However, it depends on many factors -- every contract is different!.

An "in demand" writer can demand -- and get -- more!. A "sure thing" author -- like say, J K Rowling, or Terry Goodkind or Stephen King, would obviously get more than a first time author!.

Unless you're writing for a large "genre" house (i!.e!., pulp romances for a publisher like Harlequin), you're probably not going to have a "wage" per se -- your agent will negotiate a publication contract where you get a percentage of total sales!.

If you're a popular, proven, reliable, and well-received author, you could make a very comfortable living!. If you publish one novel that only sells 300 copies!? Less so!.

You *CAN* make a living at being a writer, but you must look at it like a job, one that you work at every day!. Writing as a career -- the kind of career that brings home the bacon (and pays the mortgage) is more about writing a wide variety of marketable pieces (short stories, magazine articles, etc!.) for a wide variety of publishers as opposed to writing the great, breakthrough novel!.

Understand that there is a world of difference between being a "writer" and being a "novelist"!. There are a LOT of successful writers in the world -- "novelists" are fewer and further between :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends on how well the book/series does!.

You could be a J!.K!. Rowling or Chuck Palahniuk or!.!.!. a name that isn't as well known!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The average book can get an advance payment for under $10,000 and then they get royalties for part of the profits over that amount!. If their book sells well, the next advance for the next book can be six digits!.Www@QuestionHome@Com