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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is it very hard to get your novels published? if so...?

Question: Is it very hard to get your novels published!? if so!.!.!.!?
how come people as old as 13 or 14 get their books published!? like!.!.!.i dont understand!.!.!.it seems so contradicting!.!.!.people say the writing world is very hard to penetrate, become famous in and achieve critical acclaim and whatnot!.!.!. so how the hell can people that young actually keep up in the world of writing!? like!.!.!.how do they even get discovered!? what does a editor look at when reviewing a person's novel!? i have written three novels already!.!.!.and i would really like to be a novelist but sometimes!.!.!.i get down easily because i think nobody will like my stories!.!.!.i know i can write well!.!.!.but i would just like to know how one can get accepted and become a novelist!.!.!.and i would like to know if my writing is good enough!. i have posted some of my chapters online but they never seem to gain any attention!.!.!.like the twilight and various anime fanfictions and what not!.!.!.agh its so frustrating!!! just tell me dammit so i can know and prepare myself! and im 16 years old if that mattersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think a lot of the reason a few teenagers end up getting published is because of that "unique" factor-they're good books, but they're written by teenagers, and they're marketed that they're written by teenagers which makes them more interesting, and so and so forth!.

As far as becoming a novelist though, what's the rush!? Just because some people manage to get published at 16 (a feat, to be sure) doesn't mean that you necessarily have to be one of them!. My advice to you is to go to college for English (or literature, or creative writing, etc!.)-if writing is what you really want to do, it certainly can't hurt!. In the meantime, maybe there's a teacher (or anyone else you know, who aren't you apparently un-supportive parents--that must really suck) who you can let read you writing and they can give you feedback!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've been dabbling in writing ever since you were a mere twinkle in your parents' eyes and have written several short stories, but never could figure out how to get them published, reviewed, etc!.

One thing I've been able to figure out is that it is a HARD NUT TO CRACK AND BREAK INTO THE INDUSTRY!

GOOD LUCK!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah it can be very hard to get published!. I'm trying to get published too!. There are a couple of websites you can publish your stuff on!.


What's the links to your stories online!? I'd love to read them!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, It is extremely difficult to become a novellist!. The only reason you hear about teens that write novels is because they are so rare!. Most writers will only get a few books published if their lucky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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i am more of a screenwriter ,rather than a novelist!.
I am lucky,I have the support of my family!.
Ok, a read all the answers, and one stands out in particular:Frootbat!.!.!.
This is sound advice!. Try and get an agent!. That is what I am doing!. It isn't as easy as it sounds!. I have a pile of rejection letters: and I am wondering what I am doing wrong!.
Well, go online and try the writer!.guild!.com
they have a list,for free,who are agents you can try for!. Good luck,and I am registered in fanfiction, but I have not submitted anything yet, for fear of neing lost in the crowd!.
has anyone read my stuff!? Yes!.
Do they like it!? yes!.
Try to connect with other writers and join a writer's group!. Then, you can read other's stuff,get critiques on yer stuff,and try to get an agent!.
You may try to write to magazines!.
Do not give up!!!
I say this because years ago, I met DaveTrottier,screenwriter!.
He is the author of "The Screenwriter's Bible!."
Sooooo,he once told me " I know of several very talented writers,that gave up,and never made it!. I know alot, and I do mean ,ALOT of mediocre writers that have made it!. Why!? because they PERSEVERED!." end quote!.
Have I had anything published!?
no!.but then again, I have not tried either!. I have been a stay at home mom for the last 12 years,and registered 3 screenplays and written numerous short stories!.
Don't quit!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First off, I'm not sure of any 12-14 authors!. You have to be able to sign a contract as an author and understand copyrights to your work!.
I'm sure if there are writers that young, their parents are very supportive and encouraging of their children!. If you're so easily discouraged, I wouldn't suggest you pursue this as a career!. Even the great authors get rejections!. RK Rowling got rejected several times, and even Stephan King was rejected 20 times before getting accepted!.
Writing is also more than a good story; its good grammar, punctuation, and understanding of the human condition!. Its also being persevering!.
You can start by writing short stories and joining contests, writer's groups, and sending stories into magazines and other periodicals!. Take these baby steps to move towards 'real publishing'!. You'll get there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you're posting on fanfiction sites, I can tell you that the reason your stories aren't getting a lot of feedback may NOT be because they're not well written or enjoyable -- but they're lost in the crowd!.

How do young people get published!? The same way older people get published!. Keep writing, keep improving your writing skills, and find an agent!.

Agents are the single most reliable way to getting your work looked at, much less published -- if it's worth being published!. A good agent can provide you with tools that you don't even know exist, they have networks that they call on to get manuscripts read that otherwise would be filed in the "G" file at a publisher's office without ever seeing the desk of anyone more senior than a junior editor!.

Unknowns without contacts find it very, very difficult to get their work published!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm actually in the process of working on a novel right now, and I'm 16 as well!. You have to find an agent to querry, which you can do relatively easily!. Think about it !.!. an agent is going to look for what sells!. Are you using decent grammar!? Is your plot intriguing!? Are there any lags in the storyline!? Why should this agent represent you and try to sell your book!? good luck with your writing, keep at it, and soon enough you'll be published too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com