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Question: Edward or Jacob!? And, give me some Breaking Dawn Theoris!. I have some!.!?
:) My threory for the Breaking Dawn Cover is!.!.
I believe that the white of the Queen piece resembles evil, and the red of the Pawn is purity/ goodness!. The Queen is obviously supposed to resemble Edward, as one of the strongest pieces of the game Chess!. also, one chess move consists of a Pawn being switched- or "turned into"- a Queen!. I would think that this means Bella into a Vampire!. And finally, they are only 4 spaces away from eachother, meaning so close to Bella's vampire transformation!. What do you think!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
what if Bella is immune to the vampire venom becuase of when james bit her and edward saved her!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward all he way stepenie meyer wouldnt be evil and make her fall in love with jacob and if u want to read the 1st chapter of breakin dawn get the specil edtion eclipce book and i think the vultiorri will be a bigger part cuz they want bella a vampire so if edwrd doesnt they will and jacob will fall in love with leah somehow an the weding will be amazing cuz alice planned it and edward and bella willll be 2gether four ever and ur theroy was better than mine i thought it ws edward as the queen peice and jacob the pawn email more therios yay twillight sagaWww@QuestionHome@Com

well i dont know much about chess so i cant really give any theories on the cover!. :/ but i do think someone important in bellas life will die!. and i hope bella and edward get married and she turns without any problems!. i also dont think jacob should just die, he helped bella he deserves to be at least partially happy!. im team edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could possibly be that bella turns into a vampire, because of the red eyes!. The look on her face, looks kind of torn!. We learned that she does live Jacob in Eclipse, but she pretty much chooses Edward!. THERE ARE SO MANY CHOICES! I can't wait till it comes out!. So EXCITED!Www@QuestionHome@Com


You sound like you have something there!.!.!.!.

I CANNOT WAIT, till the book comes out so we can REALLY find out!!!!

Cause there's always twists and turns in the book!.!.!.


Team Edward!.

And I think Bella will be changed but either!.!.!.

a!. She can't change
b!. She's not attracted to blood as a vampireWww@QuestionHome@Com

EDWARDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!! jacob is a jackass! and i think that bella will be turned into a vampire but i think she wont be like the other newborns!. i think she wont want human blood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are right, or I think the white piece might resemble Bella as a vampire though!.

TEAM EDWARD!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

TEAM JACOBWww@QuestionHome@Com

Edward definitely! I didn't like how Jacob forced himself on Bella for a kiss!. As for theories, I think Jacob will imprint on Leah Clearwater!. My sister thinks he already has and is trying to supress it because he loves Bella!. I also think Jacob will come to the wedding!. He might even crash it! But something big has to happen in this book also!. Maybe the Volturi attending the wedding!? I don't know anything about chess, but I think the red stands for evil, and the white is purity!. Edward and Bella are the white piece, and whatever danger they face in this next book is the red!. IT'S SO HARD NOT KNOWING!

Team Edward all the way!!Www@QuestionHome@Com