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Question: Who's perspective!?
I am writing a book!.!.!.!.!. and tonight i begin my journey
i am sure of everything except i don't know whos perspective i should write!? it's not something i have experienced, but my character is not just one, they r two friends, and in the end it's extremely tragic!. i want to know should i write it in third person, or first person!. it's not fantasy!. i don't know if such a thing has happened, but it's possible, so i am stuck
some one help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
often, it depends how you write!. If you are really descriptive, third person sounds better!.

Even so: who's more important!? If one character is more important than the other, first person!. If not, then third person!. If both have an interesting point on what's going on, you can do first person and switch between!. So, one chapter will be in the point of view of character a, the next in character b!. You can make sure that the reader isn't confused by changing the font according to the character (one character has one font, the other a different) or having the character's name in the top of the chapter's page when it's that character's point of view!. does that make sense!.!.!.!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


You can't go wrong either way!. If you want to focus more on one character than the other, go with first person!. If you want them to be equally represented, go with third!.

Or if you want to try something a little interesting, try switching between the two in first person!. I've always found that style intriguing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u could go for all three! switch back and forth like in eldest my christipher paloni! or u could just do it in ur positive best fav character!