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Question: Is I Am Legend worth finishing!?
I checked it out from the library but I have a lot of other stuff to read and so far the main character is just chillin' at his house!. I mean he did almost get mauled by zombies and there are flashbacks to like!. His wife!. But I don't really want to finish a book where all he does is wander around his neighborhood and make garlic necklaces the whole time!. If it has more of a plot than the movie did I'll finish it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should definitely finish it!. The book is quite different from the movie, although the premise is the same!. The first half of it is a little slow, but it will make more sense later once the vampires are really introduced!. And the ending is vastly different than shown in the movie!.

The movie portrays the vampire/zombie/monsters as mindless hunters and killers!. In the book, they are self-aware, intelligent and have formed a society!. You actually find out why they are after him and why they must stop him!. The book isn't really that long, and you will surprised by some of the twists and turns that happen along the way!. Stick to it and good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Finish it!. You'll like it!. also, think about the importance of a book, it must worth at lest finishing it!.!.!.someone worked hard writing it, publishing it and how knows what are you going to learn from it!. I don't agree with leaving a book unfinished!. Better not to start reading it at all! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's way better than the movie, I'd definitely say it's worth finishing!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if the movie is anything to go by, it's a pile of shite!.Www@QuestionHome@Com