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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you read books written by comedians?

Question: Do you read books written by comedians!?
The two books I have in mind are Tim Allen's "Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man" and Drew Carey's "Dirty Jokes and Beer!."

Do read book like this!? Do you like them!? Are they beneath you!? Too uncivilized and derogatory!?

One of my former professors called books like this "brain candy"

How much "brain candy" have you read!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read a lot of that crap, too!. Gene Wilder's book was the best and maybe the most thoughtful!. Steve Martin's books are okay, too!. I don't like Tim Allen (or maybe I just don't like his family movies and Home Improvement), but I enjoyed Don't Stand Too Close to a Naked Man!. I don't know if it counts, but Bruce Campbell's book, If Chins Could Kill, got me through a late, otherwise boring night!.

also, I don't think a lot of these guys actually write the book!. Sometimes I think they all hire the same ghost writer!.

As for them being brain candy, yeah, they are, but reading brain candy is far better than watching brain candy on TV!. Plus, you can buy a lot of this crap at the dollar store!.

I'd ask your former professor: What's wrong with brain candy!? As long as you're not on a steady diet of it, it's more than okay!.

I draw the line at David Letterman's Top Ten List books, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the comedian--S!.J!. Perelman is always great, and I'd consider Twain and Bierce both comic writers to a certain extent!.

Dave Barry made me laugh a lot when I was a kid, although since 1995 he's been retreading the same ground!. I would love to have read a book by Andy Kaufman, and figure that George Carlin has to make decent points and that Steven Wright would be fascinating to read!. Steve Martin is a really good cultural critic, as well!.

It depends on the quality of the comedian though--the best comedians, like Carlin and Wright and Martin, are also extremely intelligent people!. So they're more likely to be decent writers, I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only one I ever read was Groucho Marx's autobiography titled "Grocho and I!." Great read!. Other than that, I do read comedies (started with P!.G!. Woodehouse in my teens), but not written by comedians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't as of yet, but I'm open to anything that makes for a good time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com