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Question: Horror movie/ novel 122 sequel!?!?
i wrote a horror novel about a london boarding school who discovers the 112th element but the find out that it can think and the element is found on a black flower!. during a school dance they are ambushed and 7 teens make their way out of the school!.
at the end one girl gets out, Zoe and she runs from the swat team!. finally she stops and realizes she is in the middle of the feild where the element was found

should i write a sequel!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You could definitely try and see if there is enough material to actually market a sequel to the public!. You could take the sequel more in the direction of Zoe trying to get her friends back from wherever the SWAT team has taken them - however, if you let the sequel take this direction, the 112th element will take a backseat to the rest of the elements of the story!.
Or maybe you could expose the SWAT team as having ulterior motives - that the only reason they captured the students was so that they could have the element all to themselves and now Zoe has to retrieve it before all hell breaks loose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com