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Question: Fast Food Nation!?
Fast Food Nation!?
What do you think are some interesting facts about Fast Food Nation (book by Eric Schlosser)!? based on the first two chapters!.
My Facts
-He tells us how deep fast food goes down in our government ,even in underground facilities such as Cheyenne mountain!.

Anyone who names ten facts gets best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fast food:

1!.) It's bad for your health
2!.) Too much makes you overweight
3!.) Clogs arteries, making heart attacks more likely
4!.) Is usually cheap and convenient, which is why it's so popular
5!.) The U!.S!. is currently the nation that's people consume the most fast food
6!.) That's why the majority of the people that are obese are obese in the first place
7!.) It is full of salt, sugar, fat, etc!.!.!.
8!.) Some people have it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
9!.) They are most common along interstate highways and in big cities!.
10!.) Children in the States usually recognize the face of RONALD McDONALD THE CLOWN more than George Washington!Www@QuestionHome@Com