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Question: Have You Read All the Books You Own!?
All of them/ Most of them/ what % would you guess you've read, and what kind of assortment do you have!?

Don't you wish you had more time!?

Do you listen to audiobooks more or less than written!?

Thank you for your civil responsesWww@QuestionHome@Com

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ehm hem "coughs"

ofcourse not all of them ,yea i wish there had been moretime to ,
i prefer listening more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I own about a thousand books, give or take a few!. I'd say I've read about 70% of them, give or take, but many of them can't just be read in one sitting (like the Qur'an, the Bhagavad Gita, my several different versions of the Bible, my encyclopedia set, Roman history books, text books, et cetera)!.

I have a little bit of everything, from classics (Charles Dickens, John Milton, Dante, Ovid, Fyodor Dostoyevsky), to thrillers (Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, Stephen King, John Saul), to religion (the ones I've mentioned, plus books on Hinduism, Buddhism, Celtic mythology, Roman mythology, Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Christian apologetics, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, books by Richard Dawkins, and Sam Harris!.!.!.), to popular fiction (Michael Crichton, and others I can't even think of), books on architecture, books on learning other languages (Greek, Spanish, Latin, German, Polish, French, Italian, Hebrew)!.!.!.and I collect antique books (oldest is from 1729)!. I have all kinds of stuff!. I don't limit myself to just one genre!. I'll pick up anything that strikes me as interesting, and just about everything interests me, lol, apart from romance novels!. I can't STAND romance novels!.

I could only listen to audiobooks if I'm reading along!.!.!.and even then I'd wind up turning off the audio!. I never liked doing that in school (listen to someone read while I read along), and I don't like doing it now!.

And I have plenty of time to read!. I don't work right now!.!.!.I just spend too much time on here, lol, or playing the Sims 2!. But I still spend lots of time reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have to say I have read most of them!. I'm not sure exactly how many books I own, but I have at least 20 books in my to be read stack!. Books are kind of like my drug - I can't stop buying them!.

My collection contains mostly alternate fiction (my favorite genre), sci-fi, action/adventure and suspense thrillers with the odd fantasy, mystery or historical fiction title thrown in!.

I get plenty of time to read, so don't really wish that I had more time!. Would I like to read more - probably - but I get at least an hour or two a day, plus my one hour commute to and from work, which leads to the next answer!.!.!.

Audiobooks - LOVE THEM!. I listen to them all the time in my car when I drive alone - don't even know if my car stereo gets reception!. I have about an hour or so a day on my commute, and listen to audio books - all kinds of types - during my drive!. I find them relaxing and an easy way to catch up on a favorite character or series that I haven't read for a while!. I probably listen to books almost as much per day as I get to read a book, and really have no preference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read all of the books on my book shelf except for about 10-15, but i am getting around to them i swear! I have about 300 books on my shelf but i only buy the books i plan on Reading again because i usually borrow from a friend or the library!.
I read for about five hours a day normally but, like everybody, i will make time for more if it is a really good book!.
I definitely wish i had more time!. if i didn't have to sleep i would read all night long and do the stuff that i have to do during the day!.
I wouldn't say that i listen to audio books more that written, though i usually am always listening to a book and reading one because i can listen to a book while i am doing housework and i like to read a book while trying to relax!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL, book questions, eh!?

I used to have such a huge book collection it was almost creepy!. People used to say that I'd probably die from being crushed to death by my books!. I had read most of them, at least 3 book shelves full of them, anyway!.

I gave a whole bunch of them to the library, and it took me almost 4 full van loads of books to clean out about 2/3 of my collection!.

Now, I've probably got abot 300 books, and I've read about 150 of them!. I'm working on learning to read them and then give them away!. I've also been going to the library instead of the book store!. I go to the library once a month now!.

I don't need more time to read, I make time for the things that I want to do!.

I listen to audiobooks very, very rarely!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hardly!. I've probably read a mere 25% of them!. I'd like to read more classics!. Books that are on my reading list (and on my shelf) include:

"Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky
"The Brothers Karamazov" by Dostoevsky
"Catch 22" by Joseph Heller
"Happy Death" by Albert Camus
"The Red and the Black" by Stendahl
"Cousin Betty" by Honore de Balzac
"A Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley

I do wish I had more time, though admittedly a lot of my time is wasted in front of the computer or television!. My job is a problem too!.

Lately I've taken to using audio books, now that I finally have an mp3 player!. I've listened to "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," "Star Wars: Dark Lord," a few pieces by David Sedaris!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Finally, a question that doesn't require Deep Thought! I actually have all the books I have read in storage & safe from the elements in large plastic storage bins!. I have fairly new books in my office bookcase and 3 I just received in the mail this weekend sitting out on my desk! A total amount would take me way too long, I'd estimate around 350 or so, only!.

The percentage!? Hmm, it would have to be 70% of all my books I have read at least once!. The new ones are piling up because I have so much on my plate right now that, I don't have time to read them all!. I'm lucky to read one every 3-5 months! That could also be because I'm an avid movie watcher and spend a lot of time on my ***!

I absolutely wish I had more time, to read and write, of course!.

I have a few audiobooks but I leave those to the non-fiction books and prefer reading the Fiction ones myself!. My imagination is my friend!. I have an array of writing books on the craft and such, of course!. My favorite genre is Horror, my favorite author is Robert McCammon, I'm not much into mysteries or romance, SciFi and Fantasy - but not High fantasy!. I enjoy combing old bookstores for old analogs and such, especially on vacation, should I get the chance!.

And, thank you for the no-brainer question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read most of the books I own!. There are probably 20% that I haven't read!. Sometimes I would buy like, around 3 books because they're on sale or something like that!.

I think I have pretty much a great amount of time to read, but when exams come, it gets pretty hectic and I have to read notes until I fall asleep and drool over them!. Since the summer's coming up, I have more time to read =)!.

I don't really listen to audiobooks!. Like sometimes I would listen to it but while listening to it, something would caught my eye and then I loose track!. I get distracted pretty easily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of them, the only books I buy are books that i've already read/am reading that I really enjoy (so that I can re-read them)
I don't have many, but they fall under!.!. the Young Adult catagory I guess!? Mostly Harry Potter, the Twilight Series, and a few of Sarah Dessen's books, along with a few random books (like sisterhood of the travling pants) I would say girly teen books, but Harry Potter doesn't necisarily fall under that catagory!.

I love buying books!. I don't know why!. I love having all my books stacked on shelves throughout my room!. I'll admit that I'm a bookworm!.

I've never listened to an audiobook, the voices of parts that I've heard annoy me!. I like to picture the voices my own way, not in the same voice (even if the person does voices, it all sounds the same) not to mention having a girl read a guys part outloud/vice versa never works out for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have 863 books and I have read all of them!. I tend to give some to the library as I buy more, but I haven't done that lately!.

I have many non-fiction books (I love biographies), murder mysteries, and fantasy books!. I do have some horror and romance books though not that many!.

I'm currently trying to collect all the books that were in "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die" but I only have about 350 of them!.

I also have about 500 mangas but I don't include that in my book list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have 3 floor to ceiling bookcases, filled with books!.mostly hardbound!. I've read most!. Some were given to me or I inherited!.!.and mostly I'm not interested in those I'll look--but honestly don't want to deeply read a book printed in 1907 called The Royal Road to Health!. I looked though it-deemed it interesting as it's all obviously Top of the line health care; the first chapter in s detail on "Drugging Proved Unscientific"!.The second chapter -on exercise--has Pictures(!) beginning with a woman in Victorian dress-complete with corset standing with her hands on her hips!. It's unintentionally funny!. The PARAGRAPH of care for Cardiac Care is of note--I'm sure someone in a hurry needing it will be glad to know to you are suppose to wrap up in a wet sheet to keep down your fever (!?!!!)!.

Some of my favorite books-are old former library books--you open them-and they have this comfortable friend good book smell!.

Some books are useful and good reads like Tolkien or David Sidaris!.!.!.some are just interesting like The Royal Road to Health!.!.it apparently belonged to my Great Grandfather!.!.!.he doesn't need it anymore!. I'm going to go read Sidaris!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have three huge bookshelves filled to the brim with books and, with the exception of the dictionary, I have read every single one of them cover to cover!. So that leaves it at about 99%!. My collection consists mainly of the classics (Norton Critical editions, Oxford classics, Penguin classics, Barnes & Noble classics, etc)!. In addition to these, I have amassed a large quantity of books on rhetoric, writing, and the teaching of writing (I'm a writing teacher)!.

I hope that answers your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Haha! Really good question!.

I have not actually!. In March, this is quite sad, I bought two books from B&N and yes I wish I had more time because I'm not even halfway through the first one yet!. So that's two!. Last year I bought a book and never read it!. Three!. And then I bought the entire Narnia series (it was compiled into one book) and haven't started it!. So that's!.!.!.!. 10!? Or four!. Whichever way you look at it!.

I have mostly romance and fantasy: Twilight series, Harry Potter, Narnia, Tamora Pierce, some historical fiction, and so on!. But mostly all of it is romance in some way!. And I don't listen to audiobooks!. I don't understand the point of them!.

Um, thank you for your!.!.!. civil question!? :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read the majority of them!. There are some that I bought because they looked good, and then gave up reading some way into it because I lost interest or just thought they were too bad to be worth finishing!. I have a few that I've bought but haven't started yet!.
I always wish I had more time to read! lol!.

I don't really listen to audiobooks!. I have a harder time getting into them!. I prefer to read them myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer reading over listening, except when on long car trips!.

I usually have one book ready to go, unread, for when I finish the one I'm on!. Otherwise, everything in my library is read at least once!.

I have very eclectic taste but it is mostly geared toward fantasy/scifi/horror/historical romance!. Currently I'm reading the new Dune sagas by Brian Herbert and Anderson!. They are an excellent compliment to the originals by Frank Herbert!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read a vast majority!.!.!.I'd say about 95% on my own bookshelf!. I'm starting to raid my parent's bookshelves too, but I'm not as far yet!.

I wish I had more time for lots of things, including reading!.

I have to have the physical book in front of me; I don't do well with audiobooks or reading things online!. I don't know, I'm a visual reader who has to be able to see the words and turn the pages of a book to really enjoy it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've probably read 60% of the books on my book shelve!. The ones I havent read are mostly classics that either my parents gave me, or that I bought thinking I would have the time to read them!.

I dont usually listen to audiobooks unless im on a road trip!. I prefer written books because I can go at my own pace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've probably read about 80% of my books!. I've got a lot of historical fiction, some fantasy, a few biographies, and a couple miscellaneous books!.

I definitely wish I had more time!. It would make things much easier lol!.

I don't care for audiobooks!. To me it takes the fun out of reading so I don't bother with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read about 75% of the books I own!. Some I've started, and put down because they didn't interest me!.

I wish I had more time, of course, everyone does, but for reading specifically!? I'm not sure, I read so much, I probably wouldn't have eyes left if I read more!.

And I only listen to audiobooks in school!.


I have read every book I own!. I owe my education to reading!. Thank you Steven King, Dean Koontz, Judith Krantz, Danielle Steele, Earnest Hemingway, The entire collection of 1929 childrens classics, and many many more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have 394 books on my personal shelf!. I haven't read 17 of them!.

I do wish I had more time-- I really would like to read them!. Reading is a favourite pastime of mine

I don't listen to audiobooks at all!. It takes the fun out of reading!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read all the books I own!. Some of them multiple times!.

I have the Percy Jackson and the Olympions books, and a lot of Magic/Fantasy books!.

Yes, I love to read and always wish I had more books!.

Less than written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I only own nonfiction books and yes, I have read every single word and many of them I read in some manner daily for information!. I do read fiction but usually pass these on to other readers when I am finished!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do have time
less on audio books
most of them i own and read
about 80precnet or a little more
giry!. drama type and or a little bit of myserty

your wecolme


I moved 2 months ago and I have 14 boxes (the kind apples come in) full of books!. I've read every single one at least once! I need to get out more, lol!Www@QuestionHome@Com

98% of them twice

no audio books

yes, i wish i had more timeWww@QuestionHome@Com