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Question: Book Summary!!!!! (PLEASE HELP!!!)!?
As many of you know, I pleasure read Hamlet and was confused, but then solved it for myself by close reading it!. I have just read Oliver Twist, I close read it, i read the back, I did all that I could, but I CANNOT find out a thing about it!

I need some help understanding! Does anyone know the answers to these questions!?

What was teh story even about!? It didnt seem to even have a point to it! (what made the story exist!?)

What were some mnorals, themes, big ideas, ect!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

Why was this book even writen if there wasnt even a story to it!? why is it so famous and well known!?

Could someone give me a detailed summary!? I dont just want something i would see on the back of a book, i dont want "he was a boy growing up and he did stuff with his friends" I really want to UNDERSTAND the book! It is SO confusing, People told me Hamlet is hard to understand, but Oliver Twist isnt! I BEG TO DIFFER!

CAN SOME ONE HELP ME!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!? PLEASE!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a story about an orphan in the poor house in London in mid-1800s!. The idea of the story was to point out the horrible conditions created by the poverty of the time!. Poorhouses and workhouses were the only places people could go if they could not get work!. They were horrifying places and as many died in them as lived in them!. The only other solution for someone like Oliver was the streets and gangs!. That's how he winds up with the Artful Dodger and Bill Sykes!. It was dangerous and even when they were successful, they rarely got fed or benefitted from the risk they took stealing!.

Dickens was trying to show the hopelessness of institutions like the orphanages and workhouses and make the point that social change was necessary to keep the thieves off the streets, the children properly cared for and the poor working to improve their own situations!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i can not write a detailed summary for you!. but i can point you in the right direction

websites like
gradesaver!.com, pinkmonkey!.com, and sparknotes!.com
can provide detailed summary, themes, analysis, and etc!.
cliffnotes are also good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have no clue but goodluckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Oliver Twist, I've only ever seen it on film!. I've seen two versions, the classic, and the recently released one!. It's about an orphan boy who get's out of line to the point of dismembership from the orphanage- though he didn't do much, they just had high standards!. The boy ends up in a place where they make coffins, etc!. Later, he runs away after getting beat and treated like a slave, and finds himself in a city!. It's not long before he is picked up by a band of pick-pocketers!. He himself becomes a pickpocketer, and is taken in by the gang of young boys keeper!. Theres a older gun, 20 something, named Bill!. He is VERY abusive, later kills his wife who helps Oliver escape and go to his family which he found through getting caught pickpocketing (long story)!. In the end, Oliver finds his grandfather and lives with him, and the pickpocketers are his friends!.

It's a really, really good movie!. I adore it!. You should watch it, it's very well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out SparkNotes for summaries about books!. It has a lot of material, especially for works that have been around for a while!. I've never read Oliver Twist, but I'll paste what SparkNotes has to say and include a link!.

"What was the story even about!?"


"What were some mnorals, themes, big ideas, etc!.!?"


Edit: For those of you who are giving me thumbs downs: What is the difference between me giving a summary and linking to one!? Either way, it's not his own thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com