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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Alright, is anyone else really annoyed...?

Question: Alright, is anyone else really annoyed!.!.!.!?
That people keep posting question after question about how stupid the Twilight series is!? Okay, we get it! Stop posting the same thing over and over again!. I personally love the Twilight series and I do feeling that everyone in entitled to their own opinion, but this is getting ridiculous!. And yes, so are the Twilight questions that are being asked over and over again as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Speaking of "stop posting the same thing over and over again!.!.!."
Let's tell that to the fans of Twilight, OK!? Nobody knows how to post repetitive questions like the Twilight fans on here!.


It can go on and on and on!.!.!.

The whole reason people get so irritated with Twilight is because of the pointless ranting on here about how much people love Twilight and how in love with Edward they are!.
If a question is a legitimate question about the content of the books, or a question about the storyline, then fine!. We don't have a problem with that!. But seeing "Edward or Jacob!?!?!?!?!?!?" and "OMG!.!.!.I'm so upset that they chose Robert Pattinson, are you!?!?!? " and "OMG I'm so obsessed with Twilight!!!!!" over and over and over is unbelievably aggravating!. Take that stuff to a Twilight fan site, because this isn't the forum for that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely understand!. Listen people its just a book, and everyone likes different books just like they like different ice creams!. And I have been noticing the repeating questions of "I love Twilight" or "I hate Twilight"!. We get it, that's nice, it's your opinion, and now its getting old!. If you want to know how people feel about the book, instead of wasting 5 points people should just search for already asked questions that are similar to what they were about to ask, or in this case, exact questions!. I think there are so many questions concerning Twilight is because it has become such a popular book and its critics and fans have to make sure their opinion is clear!. But, yes, all these questions are getting on my nerves and I totally agree with you!. I love Twilight, and I don't need to say it over and over and over again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes and I'm also annoyed at the people who post questions that are like " OMG WHO ELSE LOVES THE TWILIGHT SERIES!? DON'T YOU LOVE IT!? WHICH ONE DO YOU LOVE THE BEST!?!?!?!?" I personaly like the series but all these twi-hard fans are really where twilight haters were born!. They are so oppossed to it becuase EVERYONE loves it so much and they think they're all just a bunch of hormonal tweenage girls who only think about how hot edward is!. It's just an unreasonable fued, and if you would all just stop we can just stop having to listen to those haters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

both need to stop!. the haters and the twilight lovers just stop

-twi fans please stop posting the same questions about edward and stuff
-non twifans post about books that you actually like
-to both no comparing twilight books to any other book because that starts an online war and offends people depending on the book that you are comparing( hint harry potter)

this book and authors section is getting annoying, i'll go explore elsewhere!. also just because someone doesn't like something that doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered with all the craze on this section!.opinions are always stupid to those that oppose that persons opinion!.

Both need to stop period!. there are fansites/ hate sites for that!. if people google i love twilight they will get a million boards to talk about it!. if people google i hate twilight they will also get a million boards where they can diss it!. i have tried bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

Very well said, Meggy! I completely agree with you!. They criticize the fans for posting the same thing over again and for insulting them (not that I've ever seen a Twilight fan insult someone for disliking Twilight, but the Twilight haters said, so!.!.!.) and then they do the same thing!. It's a good thing I love this section so much, or I'd hate it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's so stupid to hate something so passionately!.

you don't see me going around saying "I LOOOOOVEE TWILIGHT!!!11 OMEEEE! EDWARD CULLEN=LUVVVV"

i enjoyed them because they were well-written and interesting!.

there's an anit-twilight BLOGGER
who spent the time to catalog every time bella made a remark about edward's beauty in the first twilight book

so stupid!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm getting annoyed at the constant posts defending Twilight!. Mostly because they're being written by rabid fangirls who insist that the series is the best ever published!. Anyway, if they want to waste five points on a question that's already been asked plenty of times, let them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've only seen one question about someone not liking the Twilight books but I've seen hundreds proclaiming them to be the greatest books ever written!.
I don't mind the hate questions!. Maybe if they were as numerous as the OMG!!! EDWARD IS SO HOT!! "questions", I would find them annoying, but as of yet, I don't mind them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is annoying how every other question seems to be about Twilight, especially when they're the same ones asked over and over again!. I understand everyone's excited for the new book and the film to come out, but perhaps a little restraint could be exercised!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I very much so agree!. I mean I loved the twilight series!. and I'm 13, meaning we usually take things seriously but you dont see me posting QUESTION AFTER QUESTION on the stupid books!. God forbid, noone looks it up before they post it!. also the oppinonated questions bother me!. I mean if you didn't understand then fine!. But otherwise go to a bulletin board online or somthing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

:) YES, thank you

but i guess they were doing it just to make a point about being there just as many people who don't like as those who do!. but i am a fan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stopped reading after "I personally love the Twilight"!.

You've actually inspired me to make some more Twilight hate threads!. Nice work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're adding to the "Twilight questions that are being asked over and over again!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

i totally agree because i Love the Twilight series alsoWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i think theyre really dumb and immature for writing hate threads if they dont like it then why talk crap about it just ignore itWww@QuestionHome@Com

OMG!! YES THOSE ARE SO ANNOYING! I love Twilight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, it IS annoying!. But no one has to read the questions or answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How could someone hate twilight!?!? I love that book!. I'm not obsessed or anything, but It is a very good novel!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know!Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!.!.!.!.i hvnt read them but they shudnt make such fussWww@QuestionHome@Com