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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is there anyone here who thinks the twilight books are stupid?

Question: Is there anyone here who thinks the twilight books are stupid!?
i refuse to read them, how can a book about romance with a vampire be any good!? who here agrees with me!? and is tired of the obsessive edward cullen fans lol

no offense to those who like twlight, but please don't answer this with angry comments, this is a q for those who do not like twlight!.!.thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read half of the first one and I absolutely could not force myself to continue!. The writing is amateur at best, the characters are shallow, the plot is practically non-existent, and it sends all the wrong messages about what is important in a relationship!. Besides the fact that I want to slap the female protagonist for being so whiny and self-centered, I'm horribly bored by the male protagonist regardless of how sexy and god-like and glittery he is!. It shows all the art and depth of a mediocre self-insert fanfiction!.

And beyond the text itself, I'm so INSANELY sick of hearing about it!. My friends are obsessed with it, the teaser trailer is all over the movie theaters, and Yahoo Answers is positively lousy with tweenies trying to talk everyone else into reading them!.

I can understand the appeal of a fluffy teen romance which makes up with self-indulgence for what it lacks in substance, but I'm seriously concerned by people who think that it's "the best book ever written!." Because I could name about a hundred books off the top of my head which are better written and more engaging than the inane word-vomit that is Stephenie Meyer's Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahah I totally agree!. The whole mania surrounding this series is absolutely insane!. And that whole infatuation with Edward is ridiculous - they might as well go around saying that they're the soon-to-be Mrs!. Jughead!. It's annoying how they think that Edward is a real person!.
I only read them because both my friend and my sister liked them and I wanted to see what it was they were going on and on about!. To tell the truth, it's entertaining to read, but the author's writing style gets on my nerves rather frequently (she repeats SO much information, it's not even funny)!. But, like flmay said, it has been beneficial to the world of reading as so many non-readers are now becoming avid readers (I know that was the case with my sister)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely agree with you!.

I had very high hopes for the books because everyone was raving about them!. After I read them, I was like" I must be missing something, there is no way something so full of plot holes, so cliched, with a heroine that is such a whiny brat can be popular!.
So I read them again, and it was the same thing!.
I can't understand how people could like these books!.
Their relationship is never explained!. She thinks he's hot!. He thinks she smells good!. That is a basis for a relationship!?
also the "heroine" is willing to give up her friends, family, even her life to be with a man!? What kind of message is that!?

It pisses me off, that this is the message broad casted to young girls and they buy it hook, line, and sinker!. It makes me sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you!!! UH! I read better quality novels when I was 10 ! (ann rice!.!.!.!.amazingness!) If you want to read vampire fiction try the Vampire chronicles, anita blake series, The Vampire Diaires, The Last Vampire Series, The Silver Kiss, Ameila Atwater-rhodes, or ANYTHING else but twilight!. I only read this book to see what all the fuss was about!.!.!.!.!.and luckily I got it from the library!. Horrid! Horrid! Horrid!read Dracula!

People who love this series are also rapidly crazy! I mean, I'm addicted to Harry Potter, but I don't honestly believe that he's my boyfriend!. Besides, Edward Cullen seems like he's going to be beating bella in another year or two! Their relationship is bordering on mentally abusive and most definitely obsessive! These teen girls don't realise that that is NOT how a relationship is suppossed to be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

eh, not stupid exactly!. I think its just a mediocre teen romance novel that gets girls swooning over edward cullen and the whole posh vampire lifestyle that is so "in" these days!. I think the romance part kinda ties in with the vampire theme with its undertones of sex and lust!. and possibly the whole fact that vampires are technically outsiders or whatever and some people just relate to that!.
I sooo agree with the person who is sick of everyone saying that they're edwards girlfriend!. its like "ha, as if!.!.!."
even at my high school, it's all "OMG edwards sooo freaking hott!"
I personally didn't like them either!. The Fountainhead!. Now THERE's a good romance book!. :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

Different books appeal to different people!. Why not try reading it and then judging!? As for people going on about them being uneductational and what not, books are for enjoyment too, therefore, we should be able to read things we can relate to in certain ways, and that we enjoy!. Most girls like to dream of love and romance, and just because the boks are slightly far fetched doesn't mean that they are stupid!. People know that it would never hapen in real life, but theres no harm in dreaming sometimes, to pass the time and give you comfort!. I'm not posting an angry comment btw, but i have read them and i think they are good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

:) don't hate me!. i am one of those fans!. I will not go around say I am in love with a fictional charachter, but I did enjoy the series!. I think you should TRY giving it a chance!. I don't know!. If you read it, and then say its the worst series your have ever layed eyes on, then go ahead and hate them!. lol!. But i don't think you will enjoy reading if the whole time you are saying 'this is the worst book'!. have an open mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nope!. I used to think they wouldn't be good at all and that I wouldn't like them!. But I don't think you should REFUSE to read them!. If you get a chance, just pick up the first one and read the first couple chapters!.
Honestly, just because you try reading them doesn't mean you have to be obsessed with them!. I don't think I'm obsessed with them, but I love them nonetheless!.
Just give the books a try! You'll either like them or you won't, but please don't judge them until you give them a chance!.
Have a nice day!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you read the books!? I use to feel EXACTLY the same way as you, I'm not even kidding!. I hated the books with a passion!. But then my sister wouldn't stop leaving me alone about reading them!. After a while, I finally picked up Twilight and finished it in a couple of days because it was so good!. I hate anything that has to do about vampires, but these are the books for people who don't like reading about vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not just the books, but also the readers!.

I feel Meyers shot the hopes of kids everywhere reading something decent and intelligent for a change right in the head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think they're terrible!. I am glad that so many non-readers have jumped on the bandwagon and are at least reading something!. THere are so many good books out there to read though (Twilight not included of course)!. Try something else girls!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read it and it wasn't that bad, but there are definitely better ones!.
though it is fascinating, that everyone talks about it! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those books are soo overrated!. It's whack, really!. I'm so sick of everyone claiming that they're Edward's "girlfriend"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i absoluley agree!. vampires is just not my thing!. but everyone reads it and im definitely not going to read it!. it sounds so stupid!Www@QuestionHome@Com

don;t judge a book by its cover!. why don't you read the book before you make assumptions about it being bad!. give it a chanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should read it, but don't expect much!.!. it's so typical and predictable!. The characters are pretty flat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should at least try them dont judge what you havent readWww@QuestionHome@Com

me i can't stand them!. they are not the best books in the world!. people should give other books some creditWww@QuestionHome@Com

im just annoyed ive read it and its not that good!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I've read other books that are much better!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.sigh!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com