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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has anyone ever read The Man In The Iron Mask?

Question: Has anyone ever read The Man In The Iron Mask!?
I am having some trouble understanding it so far!. I am only at page 60, but i am a little confused already!. I must admit i dont know much about the french government in the 1600's & thats what it seems to be about this far!. I also am confused because there have been so many characters introduced so far & i am getting them mixed up!. I also do not speak french so some of the names & places are hard to pronounce for me!. Can anyone explain the book briefly to me!? Is it worth reading or should i just give up since i am having this much trouble & i am only on page 60!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I assume you're talking about the novel by Alexandre Dumas, pere!. I haven't read it but he's a great novelist, one of the best of his times!. If you can put up with a bit of confusion throughout the book (some characters and place names won't be overly critical to the plot) then it's definitely worth it!.

The novel tells of the story of Louix XIV's twin brother, held in La Bastille (Paris' infamous prison which was at the centre of the French Revolution because it symbolised royalty's dominion on its people) because France could not have two kings!. So as to hide his identity, he was held for life in an iron mask (some say it actually was velvet), and his existence and background known only to a handful of people!. Aramis (one of the three Musketeers) tries to swap the twins to overthrow the cruel king for a more malleable one!.

Check out his story on Wikipedia: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/The_Man_in_!.!.!. but this is probably not exactly Dumas' plot!.

Oh, and suggest you have a notebook to write down the names of characters and places, along with a quick note on what you know about them!. You may be able to recall it easier as you progress through the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think I started this!. I definitely started The Count of Monte Cristo and it is on my guilty list of books started but not finished!. BUT recently I read that Dumas had a sort of factory with people writing for him - a bit like artists had apprentices filling in the background to huge paintings!. So I am less inclined to be overwhelmed by all his work and feel I have to match it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All I can say is please persevere!. There is an old saying in my family which goes as follows :
"Just because something is difficult, it does not mean that it is not worthwhile"!.
Take it slow and thorough and as you progress I am sure that you will find this superb book really fascinating!.
In the words of an old 'reader', "Lovely grub"!.
Best of luck and enjoy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read all 3 books
Three Musketeers
Twenty Years After &
Man in the Iron MaskWww@QuestionHome@Com

Press on and all will be revealed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

give up and watch the movie!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wanted to but haventWww@QuestionHome@Com

i watched the movie!. and that was DEFINATELY worth it!. so anyway
okay so instead of one baby being born, there were two identical twins!. So some council in france decided that this would cause civil war since both were born at teh same time!. so they imrisoned one and put on his face an iron mask so that no one would be able to see his face!. one of the four musketeers (old school ones) was charged to do this!. after years of corruption from the first twin they decided to rescue teh sedcond twin so they could teach him to be just!. but one of the four musketeers says he would not do it!. at the end of the story you find out why!. ask if you need a list of the characters!. :) and have fun!. watch the movie tho!. its interesting!. made in 1998Www@QuestionHome@Com