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Position:Home>Books & Authors> ONE opinion question! on The Nun's Priest's Tale (Canterbury Tales!) 10

Question: ONE opinion question! on The Nun's Priest's Tale (Canterbury Tales!) 10 points!!!?
I've finished everything else, but this question! PLEASE HELP!

Chaucer added another level of meaning to this tale by including a argument between Chanticleer and Lady Pertelote on the meaning and interpretation of dreams!. Why do you think Chaucer added this to the fable!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think he did so in order to show that 'things' in dreams (hens, dogs; joys, sorrows) for not only hens and a rooster but also people (the dreaming men mentioned) are as real as life itself (hens, foxes; joys, sorrows)!.!.!.

!.!.!.the dreams are then to be admitted as 'fortune-telling' or simply admitted as the way life goes!.!.!. or a combo!.
Chaucer, I think, always wrote a bit tongue-in-cheek, with a sly humor, and with an assumption that his readers will 'get it!.'

Like the tale of the man's dream regarding the ox stall!.!.!.
Pretty funny, in a gruesome way!.
Even Chanticleer's end is very, very rooster-like!. Agree!?

(If you haven't found a modern English translation of this, one (or more) is in the External Links under the link above!.!.!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com