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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why were Victorian Gothic ghost stories so popular?

Question: Why were Victorian Gothic ghost stories so popular!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The gothic "horror" tale was popular for many reasons!. One was that it strained the limits of immorality/morality!. They prompted and provoked thought!. In an age where everything was in a state of change, they struggled to retain moral fibre while advancing scientifically!. Frankenstein, for instance, tackled this!. His "monster" was a scientific success, but a moral failure!.
The one problem that haunted the Victorian mind was that of death and after, they were obsessed with death!. Some "Gothic Horror" stories tend to have angst-ridden overtones that center on sins-of-the-past and redemption!. It made readers examine their own "darkness" and struggle for redemption!.Www@QuestionHome@Com