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Question: Work Citied for Mrs!. Strickland is it good!?
Work Citied

Dunbar, Paul Laurence!. “Sympathy!.” Columbia Granger’s World of Poetry Online

Columbian University Press!. 27 May 2008 <>http://www!.columbiagrangers!.org>

Wintz, Cary!. “ Harlem Renaissance!.” Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 11 June

2008!.< >http://encarta!.msn!.com/encyclopedia_7615!.!.!.

Reuben, Paul P!. "Chapter 6: Paul Laurence Dunbar!." Perspectives in American Literature

12 June 2008 <>http://www!.web!.csustan!.edu/english/reube!.!.!.

Angelou, Maya, “Maya Angelou and George Plimpton,” The Art of Fiction CXIX: Maya

Angelou, The Paris Review!. Vol!. 32, No!. 116, Fall, 1990, pp!. 145-167!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's all out of order!.

I don't have my style guide with me, but it looks right by my eyeball!. (The question is: Do you trust my eyeball!? I never have!.)

But you definitely need to alphabetize it!.

And I assume you'll have book titles/periodicals/articles formatted correctly on your Works Cited!. You obviously can't do any formatting on here, but just to make sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

looks fine!. you should get atleast a 1Www@QuestionHome@Com