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Question: Can someone help me with this book!?
I am reading "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer!. I am 12 years old, and I am on about pg 400 and I am confused!. What is happening!? They just met the new vampires, Laurent, Victoria, and James, and they are fleeing town!? I'm confused about that!. also, Bella made a scene when she was crying and told Charlie she was going home!. I just don't get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
james is a tracker and he is on to bella's scent!. her blood smells sweet to him and he wants to get her!. so!.!. since he is a tracker that is very dangerous!.!.!. the cullens are fleeing town with bella, to protect her!. i think that bella was crying in that scene because she was afraid of leaving charlie because a!.) he might not be safe and because b!.) she was trying to distract him from the real reason she was leaving!. that's why she was crying!.
That is the best book ever!. i hope i could help you understand it a little better!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the part where they met Laurent, james and Victoria, they are trying to take as much of the "spot light", off of Bella so she does not bring attention to herself and then they get too vicous and try to eat her!. So they offer to go back to there house to talk so that edwrd can take Bella home!. They are just getting out of town because James has decided to hunt Bella or do what they call"tracking" so Bella is going to go back to pheonix to hide out for a while until edward carlisle and emmett can catch James!.
Bella knew that she couldn't tell charlie why she had to leave, so she had to lie, and say that she didn't want to live there anymore because she didnt want to end up like her mom,(stuck in boring old forks!.) She knew that was the only way her dad was going to let her leave!. I hope that made sense, lol
I hope i helped too!.

EDIT brb

Okay, I'm 13 and just finished that book!. They r fleeing town because James, one of the new vampires, smels Bella, and is trying to hunt her!. The female is now helping in the hun t, while the Cullens are trying to protect Bella :)

I looovvee that book! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're leaving town to get away from James because James decides he wants to hunt Bella!. Bella made a scene with Charlie so he wouldn't wonder where she was when she left town!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's because!.!.wait!. Why am I even going to TRY to explain when a bunch of obsessive fan girls will tell you possibly every detail!!? Don't worry, you'll get answers to this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com