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Question: Hoot By Carl Hiaasen Questions!?
Sorry I have like a lot of them and these are ones I'm not sure of,

Chapters 1-7
Why does Officer Delinko want to solve the mystery of the vandalism at the construction site!?

Chapters 8-14

What does Roy discover on the air boat trip to the Everglades!?

How does Officer Delinko feel when he discovers the burrowing owls living on the construction site!?

How is Roy's report related to 'Current Events'!?

Why doesn't officer Delinko tell Chuckle Muckle that Mullet Finger's snakes are only rubber!?

Why is the missing Environmental Impact Statement so important in the cast against Mother Paula's!?

Where do you think Mullet Fingers is living now and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I've read the book, but these questions are too detailed!. It's obvious that the point it to make sure YOU've read it!. The book is short and funny!. Read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Did you read the book xD

That is my first advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com