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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why is "The Golden Compass" considered anti-christian?

Question: Why is "The Golden Compass" considered anti-christian!?
I read the book when i was younger but i don't see what's so demonic or evil about it!. If you know why, can you please explain!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Secondly, the whole story is mostly about how everything is becoming corrupted, especially God!. It actually depicts him as a really old angel, who they kept in a box or he would get blown to bits by the wind!. The other angels only used him as a source for their power, etc!.
At some point, the kids find him, open the box, he tells them that he's ready to die, and he gets blown to bits by the wind!.
There's a lot of things, some subtle, some not so subtle, about how the Church is corrupt, etcetera, etcetera!. Ex!. The Magesterium, (although they play a comparatively small part) brainwashing people!.

I still think that the books are excellent, even though I am a Catholic!. The message may not be great, but the books are really well-written and the plot is truly very interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the books the ruling god is not the Christian God,but an angel calling himself God(a false god) and he is accidentally killed when Lyra and Will help him escape from a glass carriage, because he is so fragile!. The part has been taken much out of context and a fictional plot has been labeled as the book of the devil!. The books are well-written, clever, and engaging and the bigots who snub them don't know what they're missing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i separate entertainment and spirituality!. i read the golden compass a while ago before all the controversy, and i did happen to pick up on the references to catholicism!. i am a catholic!. however, i think that people should be able to write about what they want, and ignoring the killing god and stuff, it's a good series!. i liked it!. i can enjoy it because i remember that those books are FICTIONAL!. it's not real, and if people are concerned that their kids will become atheists then they should instill a stronger sense of faith in them!. i am sure of what i believe so i can read these and ENJOY it without being offended, because different people believe different things, and i can respect that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't really remember but I think in the story God is the villain, who just claimed the title for himself even though he's just any ordinary angel!. The things that God and his followers did were cruel and twisted things as well!. The author was apparently trying to get kids not to like God or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the kids are out to kill God!.

I find that just a little offensive!.

People say 'Oh, C!.S!. Lewis wrote about what he believed!? Why can't Pullman!?' But, Pullman doesn't write about what he believes!. He bashes what other people believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its because they are making the catholic church the bad guys because the majesterium refers to priests and bishops and watnotWww@QuestionHome@Com

All I heard was that the author's goal was to get children to not believe in God!. But I don't really know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it says that God was dead!. And that there was no God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because in the third book they kill GodWww@QuestionHome@Com

Because they kill God at the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all i know is that the author is against god and any ideas of godWww@QuestionHome@Com